Thursday, November 30, 2006 @11:00 PM
i'm in guangzhou! :o
omg, i really got an unlucky seat! ): the indian guy (not trying to be racist, but that's the fact) behind me, started off by accidentally grabbing a strand of my hair before the plane departed! and since i was extremely tired for the 3 hours' sleep i had, i dozed off before the plane left, but it wasn't a peaceful nap, cause the guy at the back HAD to do lame things which made tapping sounds! not to forget, the guy in front of me, went ALL THE WAY back! i don't know why, but when i woke up from my nap, it was only 9.30am (it departed at 8.30)? so i went to watch movies ((: sia should be murdered for providing such nice services! i really can don't sleep at all! i watched step up! and half of singapore dreaming :P had omelette on the plane! then took a shuttle down to the hotel, was dozing! and omg, we didn't have lunch and went to the office for meeting.. not to mention, it was in chinese! business is alr pretty alien to me, and now in chinese! SURE HELPS. lol :p omg, i will not touch rabbit meat or pigeon :S not everything is meant to be eaten :p haha. hmmm, then i had a not very nice dinner! haha anyway got back pretty late to my nice comfy room (:

haha got to sleep alr! :P i miss singapore! i miss my home! the homy feeling! ):
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @2:25 AM
why am i up at this hour? i wanted to sleep early today. omg, i'm insane (as usual). i went to blog-hop (which is
RARE) i absolutely don't read blogs (it's just me) and especially with the temptation of ONE TREE HILL. oh yeah, i'm also emo-ing my morning away (so thankful my mother didn't catch me now and give me a scolding). felt pretty down for the past couple of hours as of now. perhaps pms? various thoughts keeps running through my mind about everything. just so messed up and i wanna yell/say it out to someone. and blogs are once again not that fantastic and i resorted to writing random thoughts in my phone. anyway went to gavin's blog and read his super old post (cause he didn't update) and i really share similiar thoughts with him, not really feeling much excitement from after a's. and chatting to szehui (which is another rare thing, cause half the time she is LAZY to reply me, some friend huh, kidding (: ), and she was talking about good taste friend working with.. lol. and also how i msg alot to fishball face (which isn't true and she just said it when she didn't look at my phone, smart garuda) then i suddenly rmb the unforgettable joy i experience when i was studying for a's. just don't feel that much nowadays :S seriously. the non-stop kfc meals with cheryl (with each meal she tells me how she wanna be a chicky club member which is for kids under 12, rather amusing) but i don't miss the coffeeshop which became ny's unofficial canteen. i miss the in-betweens of studying. just so indescribeable, and i am suddenly terribly missing those moments. feel a little cheered up once i recollect such memories and perhaps trying to crap online. it's 2.53am now and i don't feel too happy. perhaps i will wake up tml and not rmb all these f***ing irritating thoughts. yeah, that's usually the case.
keeping to myself caused me to break. sometimes it just falls downwith no controlwith no notification. it's becoming common (this year), that it's just one of the those days.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @8:36 PM
haha right now, i'm officially addited to one tree hill. youtube is officially sinful. haha. used the perfume today. :P hmmm today i got my converse shoes ((: haha, not the double tongue one though, but i like it. (i'm not retarded for being happy over converse shoes okay?) lol, my legs are aching crazy, and i hate the fact that i had to stand all the way home! ): haha. lol. today's my mum's exact birthday! haha, i shall not reveal her age :P haha we had thai express for dinner (: haha. yeah, i just got home. i didn't get a present for her this year :S oh well. a card will do right? haha. hope my guilt eases. i'm tired today! should i sleep early?
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, November 27, 2006 @3:14 PM
haha okay, sam is like scolding me for not blogging! haha. well, the past few days i haven't had much time to blog, and no mood. i finally continued watching goong after so long! haha, i finally completed it (: haha, it's nice! anyway i just had lunch at j8 (: macs! OH MY FAVOURITE MAN. haha. i should cut down on fast food since i'm like not exercising and my accumulated fats since july are disgusting remaining! shall blog about my day later! haha, now just talk briefly (and BORINGLY) about my past few days! (:
wednesdayi went swimming at yio chu kang swimming complex :o
DAMN FAR LAH. haha, i spend most of the time walking to and from the swimming complex! went to swim with maureen! oh man, she got such a big bag, but don't bring sunblock! haha, so in the end, i ended up with a pretty bad sunburn. but it's improving! not pain ((:
after swimming, i went to find huiting and danyu (the fishball) at far east, to shop for prom? haha, i didn't really try much stuff! but i gave them quite alot of face alr! haha, shopping with them is quite an entertainment! oohh, saw a very pretty girl at heeren :P all 3 of us agreed, which is quite rare! haha. jansen and jamie joined us later. then left to meet szehui and bel! went to drink stuff and then walk around abit. after we went j8 to buy back KFC, then cheryl came! we watched 24 after that! haha. damn comical to watch with them!
thursdaywent shopping with my mum and cousin, daphne! YAY. haha. shopping is a torture, shopping for prom, is like OMG. raining certainly didn't help! anyway i managed to get a dress and all. not very fun, haha shopping isn't fun! except for the breaks - eating those $1 ice cream (: and starbucks christmas special! i like the $1 ice cream, the biscuit was crispy! :p haha, i want my small entertainment!
fridaywent to escape cause it's 6 bucks only. haha, went with the juniors, seriously all. felt pretty extra actually, but i just stayed on cause quite long nv see them alr! haha, but the rain, wah you couldn't do anything. and the haunted house, wasn't really that scary actually. some ahbengs were stupid! lol. say we no jia jiao? wth and started saying a whole chain of vulgarities! :S iront yah? and my phone DIED on me. i left home with 4 bars of battery. i wonder why! after playing a few rides, me and maureen went to meet zongxia for dinner at tampines mall. tampines mall, my SECOND visit there, omg. so far can? ate fish & co, cause maureen was fussy piglet! haha, i like their fish and chips. haha, but when i went home, i bought ice cream ((: haha.
saturdaytreat ht breakfast :o but she didn't eat much, it's more like she and danyu accompanying me for breakfast! haha, oh man, i
met cheryl and walter there!
:o like i wouldn't expect anyone i know at that time to be there? so i kinda took a very long while to realize she was there, and she saw me very long ago! haha. yeah, then walked around with cheryl for half an hour plus, cause walter had physio? haha. took bus home, and i kept hitting my head on the bus cause i keep dozing! i don't know why, but once i reached home, i watch goong all the way :P haha!
in the evening, just celebrated my mum's birthday with my relatives at NOVENA square. :o shops close pretty early at 9? oh man. then me and my father's side relatives went to hans for a drinks! eeks to the girls who were preparing the sandwiches! me and my cousins agree that the customer who is eating it, is super poor thing. it's damn unhygienic! and i can't believe that i accidentally deleted the video ): haha. i wanted to show the world! haha.
sundaybaby joshua's baptism at st james (: baby joshua is caleb's brother and he is so cute! he has a round face with adorable baby fats cheek! :P went to lunch to celebrate baby joshua's baptism :P then after lunch, yiyi bought me perfume? lol. quite a nice scent! after that, i went to have a hair cut (: just trim, nothing much, i feel like hot now! yay! after that uncle poh they all came and we had dinner at mos burger (: and we went to watch
casino royale. well, i still prefer pierce bronsnan as james bond, cause he has this cheeky smile and daniel crag, well, he just doesn't hav it. he just have muscles which didn't really do much in some occasions! :P
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 @1:04 AM
haha, yesterday my mum pms-ed and didn't allow me to use the com! i was absolutely pissed with her. anyway, that's why i couldn't blog about my saturday and sunday! those days seem so far away, can't really rmb much about them alr. cause of my wonderfully short-termed memory!
saturday, it was overall a
WONDEFUL day cause who else can make me happier? haha. cheryl became ego and also kept taking pictures of herself? haha. poor szehui's camera! then she also wanted so badly to bankrupt szehui (in monoploy), and guess who went bankrupt first? omg. then we (jas, elaine, szehui and me) took a bus down to changi, WRONG CHOICE. and the bad thing was i didn't bring wallet out! ): wth. haha, to make matters worse, hungry people were in the bus and started in a traffic jam! omg, terrifying! haha, anyway, the food was good in the end! haha, cabbed home! :P haha.
sunday, bowling with the relatives! the score was a decreasing function, LDMR like alot by the third game? haha! omg. madness, i lost to my brother in the third! but won and had a draw with him on the first and second game respectively! haha. my nail broke, like damn short and unnatural now.
monday, a day of rotting! haha, but i went to hot babe's house and got a glance or two at the puny guppies! haha, she's hot in hot pink! haha, and csf is hot in green? haha. then ate hot babe's mum's cooking! haha, noodles, i adore them! :P haha, hmmm then went to meet gf at mos and had fries! let the rotting at gf's house begin (: haha, swimming was cancelled cause of the rain! gf's mum bought pizza back (: lol! then i went to yishun! :O haha, but didn't regret it! haha. i was absolutely pissed about my mum, but i just kept quiet about it. and gf was listening to me when i was keeping my emotions in me. thanks! kimsoon was very understanding towards my feelings and did more than enough to make me feel better (: so i felt much better by the time i went home.
tuesday. haha, went vivo with maureen! :O i got a disgusting fried rice again! twice already, omg. when will i learn? i think i need a guide cause i walked B L I N D L Y! maureen got a pair of shoes that i want to? temptation! haha, and surprisingly i was not amused by vivo! but took some nice pictures (: cause i rmb maureen was saying last time we don't take enough pictures together! haha. went to bugis! haha, just walked. haha. i mostly wanted to sit down. and eat? haha! went home for dinner! regrets, cause my mother's skills failed today :S
taking for granted? it was only a couple of entries ago i blogged about it, but i still did it anyway. sometimes i wish i could turn back time, and do everything all over again, the right way, so that life would be so much easier. would it?
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, November 20, 2006 @12:39 AM
lol, finally! i can blog about the end-of-exams which was on friday! haha 17th nov. we went home to change, then met at bishan mrt at 6.30! :P haha, as usualy, people were late! however, this time, huiting had a somewhat more reasonable excuse! haha, her slippers broke! when she called to tell me, i was like stunned! haha, hmmm, so in the end, me, sally, huiting, rebecca, weifang, sam, weidin and gavin set off to heeren! with the aim of eating billy bombers!haha. :P jamie met us there later cause she was late and told us to go off first! then in the end, we ended up eating
korean food. which was
disappointing! haha. then we walked around, and then decided to head down to acid bar. haha, rebecca and sally went off first! ): the waitress was very friendly to all of us, esp when checking our ids and serving us! :D haha. we should have waited for her recommendation, but no harm done! we drank baileys and lime vodka. i think it was worth it. especially the guy, haha, he was good with whatever that he was doing, i don't know the term. he was awesome! ((: haha. after that, we wanted to head down to the previous bar we went to at raffles place! kimsoon and jansen joined us. but then, it was
P A C K E D! so we scouted out for another place, it's called "restroom" (they have another called "bedroom" across the street!). although it was smoky, yeah, but the johnny walker and mixers made up for it! the bartender was friendly and took photos with us and played pool with the guys! i went out of the place a few times cause smoky! after finishing the bottle, we headed down to the riverside, and sat down to talk. i was a little tipsy! :S but sam was like high, he was laughing loudly! haha huiting can vouch for that! haha. hmmm, i think i could have just lay on the floor and SLEPT. haha, heavy head? haha. then certain stuff i just laugh, when i know it wasn't that funny! and sometimes i feel unbalanced. haha. oh well, cabbed home and reached home about 3? haha. bathed then fell into my bed and slept! i can't believed i slept till 7.45 and couldn't sleep anymore! )):
haha, i shall go and sleep, i wanna blog about my saturday and sunday tml! ((:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, November 19, 2006 @2:47 PM
haha what an interesting orbituary. just out of curiosity i went to take this! haha, you should too (: haha.
oh man, i have no life. there's absolutely little people online now! but it's okay i had a good 2hour plus nap (i desperately needed it)! (: although
szehui called me in the middle of my nap cause she was bored and talk to me for some time (couldn't estimate cause i was in napping zone)! oops i didn't entertain her, but this time i should be excused! cause i was half asleep :p haha. at first i thought when it was my hp alarm ringing (my alarm and ring tone are the same :S love the song too much?) and i was
"cursing" myself for setting an alarm when i had NO INTENTION of waking up anytime soon. haha. anyway, it was
nice talking to szehui! she always talk about things that i can suan her with! i never discovered this side of her till this year! ((: it's entertaining, but of course i won't push my luck. she's a nice girl! besides being
kiam siap during monopoly and in my time of need (when i stupidly didn't bring my wallet out). haha i think she
gives the one of the nicest conversation to me! and of course, dawn! but then again, don't really talk much on the phone!
oh, i had a
surprising nice lunch - corned beef and cabbage casserole. not only does the name sound funny, plus i had a preview of the before cooking when i got home in the morning, didn't look good. but it came to taste delicious and i have no idea why
my brother claim otherwise! ah, i wanna blog about my past two days and put some photos up! but, i have to go for bowling soon. yes, bowling. although i have second thoughts about it, but i'm forced. and samuel laughed at me when i told him last night! THANKS HUH, so what if you are ny's bowler! bleah.
oh yeah, i think i'm the only person who changes the blogskin before a's! although i gave the honourable job to someone. yeah, but anyway, check out huiting's and samuel's blogskin ((:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 @11:26 PM
haha lol, went swimming today
:O myself!
:O to bishan swimming complex. just felt like trying to swim! i regret, it's damn boring! swam pathetically as well ): haha, my stamina is such a failure! haha. i wanna swim with szehui and jam, though i'm quite embarrassed about how i am in a swimsuit! :S oh yeah, i paid
$1 for the entrace fee.. the only thing that i fully utilize was the shower! free water? (some rounded-face creature who adores fishball says i'm cheapo, but she's more cheapo cause she made me call her when i was walking home and she was at home! why did i do it?) haha, and i rmb how much i dislike chlorine when i was primary school!
i had a pathetic lunch because i told my mother i'll settle myself! unbelievable, i voluntarily starve myself! lol. i just took a can of tuna and made tuna sandwich! oops, i was suppose to be mourning for the loss of a dead guppy, but desperate times calls for desperate measures? haha. yeah, and as usual, i will have
impromptu plans! haha, danyu and huiting came to my (boring) house at 2plus! danyu's first visit to my house, i wonder what does she think of it! the moment i showed my bedroom to her, i lay on my bed! haha, i was trying to imitate how she is when she's at home! nah, i was just lazy. anyway, they
came to my house, and tempted me away from studies cause we watched two dvds!
mostly huiting! me and danyu wanted to study chem mcq and s.e.a. history respectively!
hmmm, i started recalling about the past few weeks (before and during a's),
it's funny or perhaps interesting how i've suddenly gotten close to danyu and even closer to huiting. studying in school with them has been enjoyable indeed. haha. it is safe to say that have put a smile onto my face everyday that i'm with them! i'm really pretty thankful for having them as friends! how we learnt more about each other in such a short time? how some people have
round face! and how some love to eat 3 pocky sticks at one go? for more flavour i suppose. this list could go on and on! haha. and i would certainly love to blog more about these past two weeks, but it would be kind of a bore if you didn't experienced it yourselves! yup this is the
only advantage about a's?
not to forget, of course studying in school with rebecca and samuel has indeed made life different and special! rebecca and her blur face? who can forget! whenever she felt stress, i feel bad that i wasn't able to console her! and sometimes when i was rushing to get info into my head, i couldn't really encourage her! ): hmmm samuel, he was just himself and brought cold jokes! yeah, and also occassionally studying with danyu's classmate, shiwei (i still haven't gotten her no. and she has mine? :P)!
after the slacking afternoon with danyu and huiting, i went to heartland mall :O to be gf's surveillance! cause she was secretly taking pictures for her photographic assignment! i feel abit guilty for going there later than originally planned! :S had kfc (again, so much for abstaining) and then talked quite abit. i'm just so uncertain and confused. too many things are on my mind. and i just can't function properly anymore. oh well, i always have a mixture of feelings everyday! moments that make me grin to myself uncontrollably to myself! and moments that make me wanna sigh! lol, then i talked to huiting for ONE HOUR :S so much for studying! and then i started blogging! what happen to studying? haha. lol i hope no one secretly tell tales on me! :S haha, cause i'm gonna study abit soon! then rest early and continue tml morning! last paper! and hopefully most of our class will go out after that! and it's sally's birthday!!
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY SALLY! anyway, another happy thing would be.. YAY, saturday is approaching! i'm kinda excited! i can't wait! ((: i really truly miss each and every one of them!
Labels: CSF, FF
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 @8:40 PM
today's econ p3. the moment i read the paper, i was searching for possible questions i could do. sighs, it was terrible. i expected it to be bad, i think it's ultimately terrible. i think i was demoralized before i even started my first question? my headache didn't help!
all i can think of is them. when i was walking back home with weifang, went to ask her when is meeting her s.w.k. (lol, sexy wild kittens). cute name. haha. yeah, i can't wait for saturday. it's all tentative and haven't settled the place and time or asked everyone yet! but one thing. i just can't wait. to meet them, and laugh all of this out! i'm really glad to have friends like them. talking to szehui online for such a brief moment certainly helped me to not think about my horrible day. it was so funny reading the testi vonne wrote for her! :P vonne i want! i hope she sees this!
i'm missing you guys alot! and
it's only you guys who can put a instant smile to my face!
make me laugh like i'd never before! ((:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, November 12, 2006 @11:57 PM
sometimes people take your presence for granted! and it's only when they lose a friend that they (hopefully) realized what a fool they've been. i guess, it's their big fat loss. hmmm, seeing that dawn blogged about me ((: which has made me a very very happy person. i shall blog about her too! i'm glad i talked to dawn yesterday. even though i should have done so earlier! talking to you made my day too! yeah, whatever i told you, was from the bottom of my heart! (:
studying econs today was major unproductive! i really wonder how the time flies with a blink of an eye. and nothing gets into my head! i'm scared sometimes. and huiting laughed about the i heaved a sigh to myself. haha. oh yeah, me and cheryl got carried away during lunch, from talking abit about the papers to diverting from a's till after a's! oh how much we looked forward to it, haha. but we mustn't get distracted and think of after a's programme! :P i was feeling rather guilty for the first time about msging during lunch. :S so i didn't sms during lunch and just focused on my lunch :o i'm shocked as well! haha. can't believed i'm heeding gf's advice :S anyway, cheryl owes me today, no matter how hard she denies it!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @10:23 PM
i think i have weird conversations daily!
and once again, my mother and brother will without fail engage in a weird argument! they always argue about lame things that people usually wouldn't really bother or give a second thought about.
*laments about how disgusting her ba chor mee is* (in a naggy/repetitive form in varied sentence structures) it has not enough chilli!
*"turns" noodles* the noodles is lumpy!
my brother, justin: the ba chor man did it on purpose cause he doesn't like you. (after all, he is 13? can't really expect much)
*pauses*mummy: how does the ba chor mee man knows it's my packet? (i mean, normally, rational adults will not argue with childish people like my brother. this is the sort of argument that i'm entitled to have with my brother! haha.)
justin: cause the man is smart! like me!
me: (totally don't want to say a thing cause it's becoming too weird and wishes it wasn't dinner time so that i would put my ipod on)
my mother continued to say how dissatisfying the noodles were, especially when my dad commented it was nice :o haha. you can just imagine her face! :P i just went up as quickly as possible after my dinner!
here's another one:
(i was talking to mence about judo belt rankings and about how anyone can pass the white belt to the yellow belt)
♀mence`-^ says: i dunno my teacher is black for what though
♀mence`-^ says: and she was from ny.. and my class expected her to be from some sports cca but she came from dance haha
sponge. says: haha
sponge. says: dance got belt
sponge. says: haha
sponge. says: rainbow belt?
♀mence`-^ says: wat's that?! lol
sponge. says: haha
sponge. says: lol
sponge. says: that's dance highest form of belt
sponge. says: haha
♀mence`-^ says: oh
♀mence`-^ says: serious?!
♀mence`-^ says: dance got belt?!
♀mence`-^ says: haha
sponge. says: haha
sponge. says: omg
sponge. says: you are naive
sponge. says: haha
haha. her naivety amuses me (:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, November 10, 2006 @8:28 PM
i'm unbelievably irritating. so much for wanting to study! haha, started my morning with a dvd! proceeded to j8 to buy junk with huiting! and everytime i'm punctual, she is late. which is like, thanks! haha. then she came my house to watch "rob-b-hood" and i watched it just on sunday! :o then sam came! we watched x-men2 and played monopoly! i was bankrupt. my luck absolutely sucked! i landed on the same spot for 4 times and paid 300 bucks each time! and by the end of the game, i had only 3 properties left and owed huiting 1025 monopoly money. oh well, there goes my day! haha. fun but guilty at the same time! haha. since mence say that i don't write about history much, hmmm, okay, today there was history paper in the afternoon! i wished mence good luck, i'm such a nice girl! don't really know much about history except that, in the european history, so far, i've learnt that there is germany, russian and italian history! i can say for sure, i can't do history. :S haha.
okay, last night, i played reversi with gf! haha, got thrashed, cause i multi-tasking my ass off! watching an exciting episode of dvd - 24. chatting to a bunch of pple (which is rare, so i tried to keep up) and playing reversi! and piglet got so excited that i got thrashed that she wanted a game with me! luckily it didn't load (: haha.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 @11:06 PM
haha, cheryl called me in the afternoon to ask some questions and i was rotting all myself in front of the com. haha. she told me to study soon! omg, i have a bad estimation of "soon". anyway, i had some doubts on one question so i decided to call szehui about it. i interrupted her lunch, her home-cooked udon, but i don't wish to try them at all (: it's better to be safe than sorry, lol! hmmm, by the time szehui finished her lunch, cheryl alr called me and answer my doubts on the question? haha! lol. hmmm, anyway
szehui and i exchanged a convo of nonsense! tell me about barney showtimes! and i also laughed at her about david! haha. it's fun. most of the nonsense was contributed by her, cause i was already on my bed and was about to fall asleep, i almost dozed off while talking to her! omg. haha. but she "saved" me from dozing off but
singing BEAUTIFULLY. lol. i managed to record her
BEAUTIFUL voice, but can't really hear much. but it was amusing to play it to her and show her my point of view ((: then after one hour, we agreed to put down the phone and sleep for half an hour! haha, i wonder if she did that. i did, and i went to have tea-break and watched tv till 5.30 (: haha can't believe i agreed with cheryl i should study soon when i did it like almost 3hours plus later! haha.
life's so comfortable when you slack adequately! haha. yeah, but i did study after that, then had dinner (which looked terrible) and watched tv for awhile and did stats! i'm tired alr.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@1:02 PM
just came back from hokkien mee lunch with my classmates. haha. hmmm for now, i wanna be conjoined with the roller chair, or better still, it would be the bed. lol, huiting woke me up this morning by her sms, unintentionally. normally i woulnd't wake up by an vibration, i wouldn't even know about it. but this time, i did, when i was having a wonderful dream. :S and i couldn't dream it back for the next half an hour ): haha on my brief journey home, i had random thoughts (as usual).
everybody changes, conciously or unconciously, in a positive or negative way. sometimes it's so hard to see how have i changed, and i hoped i became better. i've seen people around me changing, to the extent of feeling the distance between us widening or shortening. i wonder if this is good or bad. a's has certainly made me look at the bigger picture, at the things that i have experienced slightly before and during this period of time. taking a closer look at myself - how i act indifferent to certain issues until i have really become more or less indifferent, how i love to procrastinate all the time and how i can push myself away from the online world.
it's 1.25pm now, i've not bathed! :S
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, November 04, 2006 @8:07 PM
hmmm, this is gonna be a random post. haha.
lol, there's only one person i like to call
chubby. haha. chubbier than maureen, haha, maureen isn't really chubby actually, i just wanted to make her think about her diet. haha. lol. oh yes, the person i like to call
chubby face -
danyu. haha. today we saw kids in school for reasons we do not know. haha. lol, then we started talking about how over-chubbiness kills the cuteness of kids. haha. then.. lol. for some strange reason, i look at danyu and said chubby! haha. her face is absolutely round-ish. haha me and huiting agrees on this point okay! and i think i started cracking up as we kept discussing it. haha. if i had the chance, i would have gotten a picture of her face. haha. lol, then after the lame convo, i
drew a circle (symbolising a fishball) on danyu's unification of italy history paper (:o i read about how it gave rise to the middle class and the benefits of standardization and nationalism (: and huiting told me to stop reading cause 2 days later is gonna be maths paper)
and wrote fishball face (
FF) and also in chinese,
yu yuan lian ((: haha. but huiting keeps saying she is
mooncake face) hahaha. then i created one for
huiting too, haha.
CSF (cannot sing face), cause earlier she kept singing the song that spoiled the tune of it totally! and of course, i got my retribution,
same smile face (
Labels: CSF, FF, MCF, SSF
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, November 03, 2006 @11:16 PM
we broke tradition.
we used to visit only once, during the
qin ming, we would always go to that specific spot at choa chu kang, to
shao mu at my ah ma's grave. but without choice,
exhumation has to be done. exhumation, to dig up the remains and proceed to cremate the remains.
i woke up at 6.30am and my family reached cck at 7.45am and so did my relatives. as we stood around the grave as the guy started digging, i recalled memories of the routine we did. i remember during primary school, how i was so fussy that i always drew a black face when i got there. i remember not being able to take the unbearable heat, and
bugs just won't leave any of us alone, they still don't (ants kept crawling.. my mother's worst enemy and likewise for them). my nose used to be ultra-sensitive and incense just drives me nuts and irritated (i caught a chill this morning and as i came close to the incense, my nose just drop dead). as i grew older, i learnt to be more respectful towards such practices and just go along with it (at least better than my brother, he kept making remarks throughout the entire process. i guess it is true to a certain extent of what yiyi told me last time that, people always laugh the unfamiliar off.) haha. every year, the little kids will put coloured papers on top of the grassy place, whatever that is. i progressed (: haha. my cousin and brother now do it, oh well, did it. you know, there's this
plant with red leaves that started growing on its own near my ah ma's grave quite awhile back. and we could never remove it no matter how hard we try. the adults never fail to wait every year to see what new
gadget my ah gong would buy to cut it off, but somehow it would
always grow back! there's always the same few brooms and "cutter". one year, my ah gong bought a mini (but sharp) "cutter"! every year,
the stick will be there. this stick was of the right length to check if all the incense paper completely burn. and it would always be somewhere around the grave. if i remember correctly, someone said on one of the years that it has become our stick. which is quite true.
yeah, through this, my parents learnt that the death anniversary of my ah ma, 3 oct 1962 when my dad was 7years old. that's long. haha. my dad is like OLD. 3 oct, is the same as my parent's wedding anniversary?!? haha. anyway, since it's been 44years, there weren't any remains left. only a couple of coffin nails and some rocks with bone residue (i assume. otherwise what's the point of the rocks). yeah, then went to mandai for cremation!
i had the smell of grass after i came home.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, November 02, 2006 @5:12 PM
i can't believe i screwed my template unknowingly last night! argh, hate myself. my clique pictures, i don't know where to put my beloved friends' pictures. haha. lol what a day, had my gp paper 1 and 2 today. i have never been so nervous for a gp paper before, hmmm, maybe for any papers i have taken in my entire life (as long as i can rmb). i was nervous last night, the anxiety came back in school, it's just too hard not to feel it. i used to be the calm one before a paper, but it changed today, but at least my classmates calmed me! ((: haha, dawn! it's been so long since i talked to her! haha, she says i lead a scandalous life? like whatever, she was talking nonsense! haha, and she laughs at my
small entertainment (which is not porn or whatsoever) haha. and how she said one of the examiner had nice perfume, and we were sniffing him. haha. it was a hilarious, felt fine after that. haha. anyway, i've done the most common question of the paper 1, every other person within two steps did it! :o i'm only hoping that mine won't go out of point! :P paper 2, i'm so not used to this kind of topic. i couldn't express myself, after all, i'm the one who doesn't normally think about rights? haha. and cheryl is totally stalking my every move!
and i can't believe the gp tutors took
a survey after that?
about the paper! omg! me and dawn concluded that gp tutors are too bored and wanted to draw graphs and show the j1s next year! haha. with 5% saying it's insanely easy! haha. good laughs, to laugh everything off. you have to be there to understand the situation! haha, went to mos for lunch after that! haha. came home and realized the disaster on the blog, and maureen just laughed at me! haha. thanks? haha. wah, szehui asked me to go eat dinner with her at 6! cause she has tutition nearby my place ((: i know she loves me!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @7:13 PM
NOVEMBER IS HERE! haha. *freaks* sighs. sometimes the thought of failure just lingers in my mind. i know it ain't good to think of failure at this point of time, cause i might actually believe in that. but it's an "irresistable" thought.
29 october!
HAPPY (belated) 18TH BIRTHDAY DAPHNE!i hope she got my email, cause my msn was screwy that night so i didn't stay on.
30 october!
HAPPY (belated) 18TH BIRTHDAY DAWN!haha! shortly after me and huiting sent our birthday wishes to her, we saw her in school! so coincidental! omg, dawn your hair is long, it's been so long since i saw you! haha. hope you like our hugs ((: haha.
31st october!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! every time i hear the "evil laugh" from class95, i will keep thinking of jam and bel, cause they wanted to have a halloween party. ): heard on class95 that it was "national knock-knock jokes day". wahahaha. i'm in love with venetta lopez i think.
1st november! haha. i've been going back to school for so often! which somedays being up-days and down-days! as in the studying. bleah and i had a nightmare last night! haha. :S thanks bel for the sms (: it was sweet of you! thanks szehui for the mms a few days ago?? i really miss bth! i hope everyone who are taking a's aren't feeling overly-stressed, too much stress ain't good (this comes from a person who can't handle stress)! and for vonne and jam, i hope everything is fine with you guys (: haha. sometimes i can't wait for a's to be over, so i can be with you guys (:
⥠lost for words and i drift.