Friday, October 27, 2006 @12:38 AM
so far, my week has been filled with laughs and
small entertainment! i really wanna thank my classmates for bringing smiles to my life. helping me to drift away from reality! and of course, cheryl! and the rest of my
beloved clique when i talk to you guys on msn, i feel so happy! thanks to maureen and gf too.
somehow the countdown truly bring fear to my hear at different points of the week. it's approaching, and my preparation for econs is really screwed cause what i have done is almost nothing (can't believed i promised myself i will work harder than for prelims). it seems like i placed it with the least importance and i scored the worst for the that during prelims. it's like i only have two subjects? lol. my time management sucks, since like primary school (i know it cause my mother constantly reminds me REPETIVELY, haha.) and whatever i want to accomplish in a day, i somehow do much much much lesser than day. and my mind keeps drifting into multiple thoughts, for i don't know what reason? hmmm, i'm so afraid sometimes, afraid of scoring lousy scores, afraid of disappointing my parents (such high hopes they placed on me, despite saying do my best and everything) and afraid of going nowhere. especially today, when cheryl and i talked about results and competition. ARGH! it's so weird how i'm afraid and i don't push myself. damn it. sometimes i feel like telling my mother to password the computer and take away the laptop's adapter.
oh well, haha, cheryl finally brought her pencil box. omg! finally. usually she brings like one to three things e.g. pencil, ruler and calculator (for maths)! not even eraser! she must really think her handwriting rocks(: haha. (yes she doesn't have my blog, cause she is a lousy friend compared to szehui) haha, i so bloody impatient, how can i have a nice phone with lagging behaviour (suddenly)! i went home for dinner and watched two episodes of 24 (it keeps me glued to the tv set and brings me to another thrilling world filled with spies stuff) JAMES BOND! i miss watching how suave and slick the actors are! haha. omg, i'm hungry now!
cheesefries, come to me!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, October 23, 2006 @12:00 AM
my brother and parents are back! hmmm but i think i "argued" with my brother at least twice today. bad habits die hard? he is damn pissing off. he always take everything in the room and put on his bed and i can't find anything and why must he be so rude to my dad huh! haha. hmmm my ah gong going to thailand tml morning! wah. all of them are having fun without me! my parents did parasailing in penang! omg. haha.
*pouts* sighs, it seems to be my innate ability to waste my weekends away. especially today, the moment i ate lunch (a disappointing pork porridge), i wanted to sleep! haha. and the stupid rain kept me outside and i couldn't sleep nor do work! by the time i got home at 3, i went to watch dvd titled 24. 3 full episodes(: and i slept for 45mins and had dinner! :S
i realized i haven't done
a list - things to do after a's! haha. i haven't really given much thought to it, cause i somehow thought it was wrong to entertain thoughts of playing? and every other person has already drawn up a list! am i the only one who hasn't done so? haha! lol. hmmm i think one of the top things i wanna do after a's would be, to
spend loads of time with my clique! go out till my wallet has a hole! i truly miss each and every one of them. although i'm getting over-saturation of cheryl, lol kidding, not really meeting her alot lah. haha. i want to have the discipline to work off the fats i have gained? i want to play and slack, hmmm, mahjong or ps2 or dvd marathon perhaps! i wanna
repay my debt to gf for making go to amk library for me one day (also caused she wanted to see cheryl) but i'm nice enough to repay my debt, i shall acc her to study one day nearby her ulu home. and visit her super duper far school one day since she did that for me (also cause she had ulterior motive). i also wanna find a job after playing for a long while! preferably not in my parents' office, i wanna gain experience outside. and i want a
job to earn money and give money to my parents, grandparents and my lil bro! and most importantly, my dream of an
electric guitar. i hope my passion for it doesn't die down! :P can't really think of anything else i wanna do.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, October 20, 2006 @8:34 PM
it's almost safe to say i missed my brother irritating me. haha. it is not even a day without him, and already i have started to miss him a little. a little only! haha. hmmm he went over to my uncle's place to stayover. somehow i thought i would rejoice and enjoy the stillness and peacefulness and him showing off his accomplishment in a game! oh well, i guess i don't really know myself. haha. hmmm my parents, they went off to penang for a business trip. coming back this sunday! and bringing back my brother back from my uncle's place. so i'm all alone with my grandfather now! haha. side by side watching the addictive television. haha. he refused to eat my mother's marcoroni, haha. so i had to throw away some. :S
haha, my gosh, my phone died on me! stupid, where is a socket when you need it? haha. i actually survived without my phone for 7hours! luckily not many people msg me! haha. cause maureen already knew my phone died. otherwise i will face a scolding! haha. anyway, it's so funny how the moment i touched econs (after such a long long long while) that i felt an
instant sleepiness in me! i dozed off for a little while! then i couldn't take it, i went out for a walk to withdraw money and buy water. haha the funny thing was that cheryl went like "why you always like that?" haha. i guessed she is the second one who noticed i would sleep due to econs! haha. but anyway, after walking i felt energetic all of a sudden! haha.
being not a blog reader, i went to read through some of my classmates' blog. and i realized i haven't thanked them during my graduation day, perhaps because i focus too much on what frustrated me! i'm sorry sfivebees! haha. i too agree with gavin that i had the mindset that you can't find true friends in jc. but i must say, this two years have been a good way to prove it wrong. 05S5B have truly been a wonderful class filled with different kinds of people, and i really love them for who they are. they have truly made a difference to my life.
i remember how i felt anger towards the hod of science for forcing me to drop physics after first three months (at that point of time i somehow had interest towards engineering). i remember how i hated my first day in the class and felt that the next 2 years would be miserable. i remember not understanding why, but true enough, God has blessed me with this wonderful class and brought me wonderful experiences and friendships. ((: i'm really thankful for being forced to drop physics.
okay, anyway my classmates are truly unique and their speciality completes 05S5B! i get frustrated when i hear negative remarks about them, because to me, it can be said that there is almost nothing wrong with them! again, i agree with gavin that sometimes it's hard to make a choice between my secondary school friends and sfivebees as disappointing either one of them breaks my heart. sorry if i disappointed you guys! thanks to
huiting, for being my listening ear and understanding my moods (approaching me and asked how i was feeling the moment you sensed it)! at times you may felt that you weren't good with words, but whatever you have said helped pull me together! you never think twice about cheering people up even if you have to embarrass yourself! that i really find admirable about you. thanks
weifang, my bishan buddy and bus buddy, the one who cheered me up when i'm down! your voice and jokes never fail to bring a smile to my face! haha. thanks to
rebecca! for being the official cheesecake baker, and for letting me act retarded to you! also for offering rational advices and motivate me to study at times? you are truly one of the good friends i have gotten from the class. thanks to
dawn for you have certainly brought smiles to my life. you were the one whom i shared my darkest secret with! and i certainly enjoyed hearing your experiences! thanks
kimsoon for being lame and bringing joy to my life. thanks
samuel, for being my good guy friend! it's been fun hanging with you! and
gavin, for being my idol, forever and ever! after a's i hope you have time to teach me((: and
weidin, for being the cool dude who never flare at our class! thanks to the rest of the class for being part of the class and my life! you guys have been wonderful.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 @11:57 PM
i'm so glad jas is alright! it comforts me. you look fine! haha. was pretty worried about her. hope she likes the things we gave her! :P it's nice to see her bubbly and energetic! she ah, wanted to send us off? crazy fellow! haha. drink too much river water :S haha. lol i feel so foolish on my part today! haha. lol so malu! haha. lol. felt bad for making take an hour journey to novena, cause of my foolishness! lol. hmmm oh well. everyone is starting to fall sick. hmmm hope szehui take care of herself and restrain from eating things she is not suppose to? haha. and jas, NO CHOCOLATES. and nessa, rest well! rest is crucial! haha. and elaine, bel and cheryl, maintain your health! haha.
haha hmmm i think consultation was the only fruitful thing of my day! haha. the haze really sucks. it builds up loads of heat and killed me in my black judo tee! argh. haha. aircon oh aircon my new love! haha. maureen flooded my phone! worse than i expected? it hanged for the first time! my beloved n73! haha lol. thanks to gf for treating us? she got shocked when i greated her "beloved" via sms. lol. just for fun lah. the wonders of the sms, you can't see my expression when i send that? haha. then she wore a dress? it's dress-day! haha. i really have super alot of photos in my phone now! haha. lucky got some pics of gf to motivate me. she SO
PRETTY, omg. lol. maureen, oversaturation of childishness. haha. thanks gf for restricting me to come online lesser (except for today). haha. it helps! haha. that's what i need. a little push! haha.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 @3:20 PM
lol hmmm
graduation day yesterday. haha. our class settled the ct stuff the day before so we took the time to have sausage mcmuffin and tea for breakfast(: haha. then we took many class photos with many cameras! i want them. haha. :P hmmm then had the ceremony and stuff. it was damn cool to have a female pilot (captain), an alumni member, to speak to us. and some sales manager with an aussie slang? and mr lok! haha. hmmm it was sweet of all the tutors to make a video for us. i found it amusing about the physics teachers! haha. stirred up some emotions in me! haha.
what a nice flower?
me and jolene(:
me and ade! haha. nice clouds?
my judo partner, shiyun (: she rocks.
huh? haha. retarded face!overall it had been a great time. sigh. then things changed. oh well. i wasn't really affected by her anger cause i felt that it was small? then slowly it began to get to me. perhaps it was really my fault? anyway, i said sorry on msn last night, and i didn't get a reply. so if she still continues to be angry, well, to put it bluntly, she can go ahead and do so. i really feel like wiping my hands off this matter. my afternoon was so frustrating, i tell you. haha. i just rotted in school after the ceremony. didn't play ball with my classmates. the weather was unbeliveable hot and my shirt didn't help! so i helped the judo pple carry the mats? wth! they have aircon in the dojo alr! )): so good. won't sweat. haha hmmm but as i went home, the frustration came back. it's my fault, since i did nothing, it will still remain. oh well. and the stupid weather didn't help. but then after venting it out by talking to a few people (that's how i handle things), then i felt better. haha. lol and i did something on msn to make gf
jealous. oops :P haha. (gf, don't tag what i did okay! love you!)
haha. went to j8 to sit with huiting, weifang, sam, weidin and gavin at cartel! i was early to meet them. i ate $1 ice cream -
peppermint and choc chip! thaha. lol. kop their food? cause i hadn't eaten anything since breakfast? haha. perhaps cause i didn't do much studying. haha. then after that i left for ps. went with a few of the clique for dinner. haha. pastamania voucher! )): jam was sick and couldn't make it. haha. hmmm it's fun to chill with them, vonne, nessa, bel, szehui and wanwen. haha. nessa always cracks me up! HALLOWEEN FUN! it's been a while since i met wanwen, so it was nice! haha. lol. she gave me a lovely handshake when we leaving? haha. i really missed them. even though i saw nessa on sunday, i thought that it's been a long time since i saw her? haha. :P haha. at carrefour, saw the pl school admin stuff. this is the second time we see pl staff there? haha. and it's those not worth seeing, joking. haha. got loads of photos! haha. it certainly took things off my mind. haha. love them!
bel vonne and me!
i look damn cool lah. the wonders of carrefour?
lovely people(: haha. hmmm then went back to s11 to talk to gavin, sam, weidin and xinli! haha. yah. just wanted to rot. then they were nice enough to walk with me cause i decided to walk home! haha. 3 bodyguards? but sam says that wf win me, mooncake fest she had 4? haha. still had formation somemore! haha. lol.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 @12:32 PM
haha i love my friends(: haha especially jam! haha. thanks for everything! haha.
just thinking of studying is exhausting! haha. i got to get out of the house. cause i'm far too distracted at home! haha.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 @10:33 AM
hmmm been thinking alot, though i promised myself to do this after a's. perhaps it's pms. sometimes i want a's to finish, so i can deal with this now. but i really want a's to take its time because i'm not prepared. sighs. it's hard to be understanding when it was barely talked about. it's hard to not pretend that all these are natural and normal, cause it's not. it's hard not to feel "cheated" or unhappy that others get "better treatment".
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, October 08, 2006 @10:07 PM
hmmm studied nothing today. had a wedding lunch to attend. stupid groom keep talking about his lifestory instead of giving a thank you speech! :S so weird. drank a glass of red wine. i'm 18! my "cousin" came to ask me if i was already 18, and i said in an retardly exciting tone, YES! what a embarrassing moment! hmmm came home, then after awhile, left for compass point! hmmm who else can make me laugh besides them! no one can eat better than nessa! haha. i have new photos to grin stupidly to myself once again! i wanna marry them! lol, phrase of the day, PLAYING THE FIELD. wahahaha. haha can't believe i ate kfc. irresistable :P haha. good thing cheryl is not here to restrict my diet! haha. lol. thanks szehui for treating me! haha.
bleah. shall force myself to study soon!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 @9:22 PM
haha it's drawing nearer and nearer. and i'm still sick ): i went to the doctor's again! hmmm. oh yes i have studied with cheryl for the past two days! for the afternoon at least. haha. today was slightly more fruitful than yesterday. keep talking to her about loads of nonsense! hmmm, today talk abit leser? no wonder i got sore throat still. haha. lol and yes i got $20 popular voucher. wow. haha. and i'm addicted to summon night. as recommended by rebecca! i've to keep my hands of the com. only then will i not play!
⥠lost for words and i drift.