Saturday, September 30, 2006 @8:36 PM
*cough* *cough* yay, i developed cough yesterday! it got irritating today. it's a dry cough. keep coughing nothing out. it seems to develop some sort of rhythmic pattern. so darn pek chek. finally dragged myself to the doctor. haha. went to my aunt's place in JURONG after that. :S haha. i went to eat japanese pizza cause it was their dinner. yikes, there goes my sore throat. didn't study! and i came home at 7 with a headache. haha. and yay i left my medicine there! haha and my neck is still bothering me. haha. i have super no mood to do shit the whole day.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, September 28, 2006 @11:31 PM
haha i was so feverish this morning, i couldn't get out of my bed so i decided not to go school today. haha. hmmm wonder if that's a good choice? haha. i didn't see a doctor though. hmmm lazy to move out of the house? hmmm anyway i slept throughout the day! i woke up again at 6plus but slept back after eating fever medicine, then woke up at 9.40am, eat breakfast then laze around and felt sleepy at 11.15 and slept back! i put the alarm at 12plus for my next dose of fever medicine, but i overslept till 1.30! ate porridge and laze around and at 3 i slept till 6 (: haha. so basically it's eat sleep and watch tv. what a great time to fall sick.....
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @9:42 PM
hmmm got scolded by my mum for going out? sigh. i already missed them! seeing their faces perked me up from a tiring day. seeing elaine is so wonderful. haha not to forget vonne, who was high and funny today! and wanwen, lol, for making the effort to come down. and szehui for being szehui! :D and for bel who was there to offer objective thoughts. and jas for being funny as usual and making me laugh! :P talking nonsense, and being childish helps everything. lol and we saw ms kok, oh my, and jas tried taking pictures! and szehui gave a retardly and somewhat cute pose! time passes far to quickly, especially when at a cheapo store! :P
i feel a lil sick now, got sore throat.. ARGH. and a lil feverish. hope i don't fall sick! i must not!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @11:47 PM
haha yes i was suppose to impart the spendthrift one (my new "gf") the art of cooking spaghetti! but while my gf was going to pick me up, her bus broke down! haha. and thus our stomachs couldn't take so off we went to amk mos for lunch! so there goes operation smoke gf's house! i dare not bring her around amk as she dare not venture into the new areas besides the familiar amk mos! shall not scare her. then after that, i went to her house! hanky panky?? nah. die also don't want. her house is absolutely ulu-fied! i think i rather go cheryl's house or wanwen! it seems better! haha. hmmm oh my, her house is the exact same size as yiyi's! one in jurong and the other is hougang! weird. haha i didn't dare to wreck havoc (as suggested by maureen - master of havocs) cause her father was in! so i seriously made myself comfortable and laze around on her bed (with
HELLO KITTY bedsheets!) and we watched videos! time passes too fast when you are slacking ): somehow lazing around does wonders for certain things. it gave me a brief moment to think about receiving back all the papers tml. and the episodes of "one tree hill" refused to let me dwell too much into it. it would be unfair to say that i shouldn't have this fear of not doing well. and yes i do have this fear, i wouldn't really confide to many people about this, and i thank those few who helped to reassure me. it did leave off some of the burden, i guess.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, September 25, 2006 @11:48 PM
don't know why, i suddenly freaked when i saw the announcement on litespeed, it triggered me. i guess it's because i'm going to get back chem p3 tml, and quite frankly, i'm not prepared. hmmm i guess p1 results had a little something to do with it, p1 results shows how much effort i put in for chem, and through it, i was given a wake-up call, i didn't put much effort. but it's really too late. sighs. anyway, after talking to nessa and my spendthrift junior, i feel a little better after letting it out. it was just a moment of fear.
just, i was talking to nessa about me being scared about receiving my chem p2 and p3 results tml. i told her about my break cause i was telling her how i didn't do the chem thing that i'm suppose to do for tml, though i had a long break. 7 whole days have just passed me. i know it's abit too late to regret not utilizing this well. i know it's alright to relax and enjoy myself after the exams. i have just come to realized that it's 7 days! did i overdo my relaxation? do i deserve such a long break? i didn't study hard, and i thought i would push myself to study this break, at least a little. but all i did was rot at home and left my books far away from me. the countdown clock at the ny website doesn't comfort me one bit. please don't go take a look at it, it's stupid. sighs, i'm a failure to an a level student. i did nothing to what perrine told me, time management, and consistency! (shit i keep complaining about this being the end of me but i do nothing. damn it.)
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, September 22, 2006 @11:45 AM
it's nice to go through some of old stuff, makes you know how much you have grown as a person or have not grown! i saw my junior's poems and all (the spendthrift one, don't think you very cool can write okay), i wrote a couple last time! :P haha. i was reading one of mine, i can't really rmb the exact thing that caused me to wrote it! haha, but the thing is nessa analysed the poem for me, and of course she knew the reason for it at that point of time! haha, she wrote alot, yup she is so smart(: haha. it's so funny to see someone interpret your poem right? haha. i love nessa! hmmm i especially missed my clique today! i missed the joy and laughter they bring me and how nice all of them are to me! and also perhaps i wasn't feeling too happy today :S my friends just rock my socks :D i love them and they love me too (oops, thickskinned?)! haha especially szehui, jigglyjamjam and nessa! right? (: oh man, all of them love me!
at times i ponder
ain't friendship about give and take
so i wonder
our friendship is all a facade
at times i doubt
your taunts at me are for laughs
so i felt
it is better to just laugh
at times i keep to myself
your insensitivity and disregard for feelings
so i kid myself
that this is just a small flaw
at times i wanted to say
why must things always be your way?
this is just not that way.
so i question
why do i still go on?haha. i'm lazy to make it rhyme!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@1:05 AM
haha lol. my very bored and free junior (who is on holiday) needs something nice to read. so i better blog more often. cause my entries rock? hmmm been slacking ever since the end of the prelim papers. i checked my chem prelims mcq results. hmmm what can i say? i don't even know if i'm happy or sad. haha. hmmm, i guess i expected that i could miraculously score better despite the minimal studying. a wishful thinking on my part? but that's that, i should whine about this but study hard real
SOON :P haha.
hmmm anyway i finally cleared off my treat (for cheryl) on tuesday wahaha. yeah, i was late as usual, and cheryl is nice for not getting angry. haha, but she bought lots of stuff cause she was bored! haha. oops, my fault. anyway i treat her to.......
*drums roll* KFC, as usual. haha. hmmm, then we went to look for walter's gift. haha.
yesterday, went out dear partner szehui. haha, met her at ps and we walked around and coincidentally met jas there, earlier! she was going to meet us after her work! haha. she was shopping like a mad woman! haha. then we sat at starbucks and drink mocha and eat cake while waiting for bel to meet us! lol. (: kimsoon joined us. haha. hmmm then we went to shop, or rather more of them. i went to try on stuff bel took and was coerced into taking picture of how i look. not good i tell you. hahaha. i hate bluetooth by the way, haha, everyone was sent a photo of me! kidding. lol. hmmm then we went to walk and walk and walk! haha, szehui really bought lots of stuff! a pair of shoes, two bags (one to make her a
MEMBER at pretty fit), a blouse (who jigglyjamjam says it looks like a
pillow case, i'm alright with it) and shorts from zara, a belt to go along with the blouse! haha. hmmm haha i learnt how szehui absolutely adores green :P haha, then we walked back to ps! haha, sat at mos and had our dinner! haha jas came and met us after her work and cheryl came too after her movie ((: haha. cheryl can be a ace clothes inspector! haha, anyway we got FREE mentos from jas! everyone but szehui, wahahaha. :P i was very happy today! haha, i had the
two things i love the most (besides my family)- my wonderful friends and dearest kimsoon :D
today, haha, i slacked at home! haha, last night and today i realized painting is loads of fun! haha. as in
painting retarded things on stolen
drawing blocks (from my brother) wahahaha. anyway i have absolutely
zero artistic talent unlike my mother and brother, so you don't want to see me painting something realistic! abstract perhaps? haha, i do not wish to see my dad's because i think he is like me or perhaps worse! hmmhaha then samuel and kimsoon came over to play mahjong! just because kimsoon's house has no electricity due to some works. kidding kidding. hmmm it's quite sad to not have electricity!
NO AIRCON, not even
FAN and worse of all, no basic entertainment, the
TV! he should have gone to play marbles, chapteh, spiders. :P after he cycled (from yishun) to my house, he was DYING for a fan! he says, quick on the fan! and i say, NO! :P haha. yeah, i made
pizza for them! 2 small ones :P haha, but i thinkit stayed in the oven too long, cause it became biscuit-y! oh well, samuel has been living on biscuits so who cares! haha. but they taste
delicious despite limited ingredients! i forgot to put the parmesean cheese ): haha, anyway i was quite tired after the game, i went to sleep from 6 to 7plus! :P haha, and had good nasi lemak as dinner(: yes and my mother came home a day earlier! YAY decent meals and cleaner house! three cheers for my mother! my mother bought me solid perfume! cause nowadays you can't bring up bottles of perfume! my mother had to extend her luggage with all the stuff she bought! haha, 4boxes of hongkong mooncakes for yiyi and gonggong, popo! haha, and i can't rmb who is the rest for! i hate my coms! why can't i play yahoo pool! the sharing com made me happy for nothing when i could get into the pool rooms, then the table window can't pop up! oh well, at least msn games were working fine(:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 @2:27 PM
haha yesterday was my
last prelim paper! and off some of the class people went out to
celebrate and let loose! i must say, things don't always go our way (: but in the end we did have a good time! haha. we met at 7.30 at bishan mrt! people late as usual :P haha, i was early!! (: so
reb, huiting, weifang, sally, kimsoon, jansen, weidin, samuel, gavin and me set off to bugis! we were all starving! haha. and at city hall int, we had to change train and weifang, huiting and sally didn't make it on haha. lol, anyway we met
marisca at bugis and we went to have our very late dinner at fish & co! due to lack of space, the girls were in one table and the guys the other! and practically all of us ate
fish and chips! it either the new york one or the cheese one! haha. i think me and weifang got cheated for our new york fish and chips! weidin one has so much cheese ): but the good thing about it is that if there were cheese i would be more bloated! haha. for our table, we ordered calamari, haha, the texture was disappointing. but we still ate it pretty quickly as we were starving and there was this nice sauce! (: after the dinner, we couldn't finish the fries, haha, so we played
zong ji mi ma and loser has to eat some! haha. hmmm cause
our table motto is "throw also don't wanna give them (the guys)" in other words, "we rather throw than give them (the guys)!" we took lots of photos, the best at fish & co goes to reb and her shocked face! haha reb left earlier :P after which we went to play pool (: haha, we went there as we thought it will be convenient to go to the pub afterwhich!
however.. after the pool, to our dismay, it was closed for renovation! we couldn't believe our eyes! so we walked to a bus stop and took a bus down to clark quay! clark quay is even more sad! very little nightlife and happy hours are all over, but it's no wonder since it's a
MONDAY night :S! so the tired group of 10 made our way to boat quay, oh man i was extremely THIRSTY. hmmm we managed to find a nice place! (: we shared a bottle of chivas and coca cola and soda mixers (: most of us mixed it with cola! and we played
zong ji mi ma (again) and guys have to finished up their glasses and girls half! it's funny to see the reaction of my classmates to alcohol, haha, and what do some who are slightly drunk do! yes,
i was sober! :D along with huiting sally and kimsoon! after it closed, we went to sit and boat quay and let some of them be less drunk! haha. shared cab home with weifang, huiting and gavin! haha. walked home from the 53 bus stop. so quiet. but when i heard abit of noises, i had a teeny bit of fear! haha. it's 2plus and it's bishan, which idiot can it be? haha. showered and slept!
haha i was so bored just now! but once i look at the videos that jigglyjamjam and nessa took long ago! i smiled my face off. haha. hmmm it's so funny and gigglish. make me abit happy! haha. they are so funny (:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, September 18, 2006 @12:33 AM
haha (: yes i got my birthday present from cheryl haha! the gift quite unexpected, lol. i expected BIGGER. lol. i think the way she handled me the present was comical. "you want your present anot" and giving this smile. haha so funny? i stunned for a sec or two. haha can i refuse such an offer? FREE present leh. haha. i think when her birthday comes, the scenario may repeat itself! haha. hmmm, anyway i love the present (: haha. it's so nice! i found my favourite song of the week alr (:
my mum has gone to bangkok alr for business trip! oh no, dinner blues ): my father can't cook at all! who will save my meals till friday? i feel what huiting feels, except her dad can cook leh. haha. i'm going to eat so unhealthily for the week.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, September 16, 2006 @11:26 PM
haha. hmmm my saturday is the usual, wasting my time away and succumbing to the thought of not going for guitar (cause i'm lazy and really lost my passion for it). i can't believed i lasted so long, and wasted so much of my mother's money. it's partly her fault anyway, for asking me to complete classical guitar before i can actually get an electric guitar and learn it! too bad for her and my father, my passion for it hasn't died much, though it has reduced? come on, i wanted to play since p6! i have waited far too long! haha. anyway so i skipped it and did a few questions to ease my guilt. hmmm yes, i'm left with maths paper 2 on monday! once i'm done with it, we have such a tempting and long break. i better not screw it, like what i have done when it was a month away or a week away from prelims! :S haha. hmmm oh well. i haven't done anything since i got home which is like 7! this is sad. i have a paper and i don't seem to be motivated to study even though i have this fear in me. i haven't been really studying hard, someone tell me i still have a chance at this!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @7:06 PM
lol, yesterday. hmmm it was just like that. like any normal day, only made myself not sulk about the horrible chem paper. just smile as though i think the paper is fine, but it sucked. oh well. haha, no one to blame but myself. and also quite nice that the class stayed back to sing me a song and cut cake :D haha :P lol everyone would ask me how i spend my day, well i didn't do anything special, wahahaha, i spend my evening studying for econs mcq (which didn't help, i was uncertain with almost every answer i shaded) haha! lol, hmmm and yes i slacked the afternoon away, ah! didn't mug for the mcq! hmmm, thank you kimsoon for slacking with me the afternoon away and for the gifts! thanks rebecca for taking precious revision time to make such a wonderful cheesecake! thanks to the class for giving me the slippers? and card. haha. (and samuel tried his best to lie that THAT BIG THING wasn't my card) thanks for the messenges, be it short or long. haha. samuel can't be counted as the first, cause he sent to me at 11.30pm! haha, szehui (aka garuda) is the first (: love my partner!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, September 09, 2006 @12:04 AM
haha. hmmm yes! i got it, in my hands i have my
birthday present -
a white converse tee! (: with the price tag on?!? haha, the dumbness surprises me! haha, nah, maureen says that i can change the design if i want? haha, but i'm just too lazy :P it looks alright actually (: haha. hmmm i'm going to (hopefully) get a
treat from one of my juniors (
the spendthrift one who is getting her pay next week) (: haha. believe it or not, actually i'm not crazy about my birthday and/or birthday presents, all i wish for is that the people who i care about to remember (: so far, i already got multiple confirmations ((: my most beloved clique, dearest kimsoon and my juniors! haha. my family esp. mother too! cause she is planning my birthday dinner, she set it on my chinese birthday so that it won't affect my prelims (: and printed spongebob birthday invites? i was shocked. haha. like why?! haha. even though i don't really feel anything for my 18th birthday, but i'm really happy over all these :D lol,
annabel (who got my address the other day by telling me she was updating her address book)
sent me a card! (: okay her handwriting is very nice (like it's printed). i received it yesterday, and i was pretty touched by it! i wanted to frame it up? haha, she's my favourite handbell junior (along with maureen) but this year, school and all caused us lose contact ): but she still remembered my birthday, not only that she sent me a card! haha, though it's small but the card was VERY nice, and funny too (it allowed me to recall those immature thoughts i shared with her!!) haha. it made me miss her alot, i wanna be done with a's well and catch up with her after that! and do many other stuff!
i feel so pl-ish these two days! haha, i saw karen khow on bus 13 while going to meet bel and cheryl at the library yesterday! i saw lynette (handbell junior) at the library, but in my stunned self i didn't say much. i saw liqi with her ny friends at the library too! haha. i saw melissa (goh?) from handbells at the library studying too today! then liqi came today as well. and i was studying with maureen today :P and walked over to bel's and cheryl's table to ask questions (quite often cause i don't know alot)!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @10:48 PM
haha! lol. yay i have received
delightful news (to me) from my favourite handbells junior - maureen! (: haha, she has prepared something for me. she and shueying! :D she actually bought it (even though i constantly reminded her, but even i forgot that about it!) so i'm quite happy about it! haha, at least when she told me. haha lucky i know she didn't buy me some stuff, things i would seriously murder her for it! haha. hmmm now there's no choice, i must meet her soon (: haha so that i can claim ownership to my rightful present!
studying really has killed my brain cells, i can no longer function as a person! it has fried my social skills! i think i shall start keeping to myself before one day someone bash me up for saying something tactless to them. i do not want to lose a good friend and/or ruin friendship over such misunderstanding or my tactlessness. sometimes i just forget that i'm not with the clique (the ones who can take my nonsense and retarded behaviour) and that i'm with other people. haha? haha. hmmm i've been thinking about this, it's worth that much of thought. so, sorry to the person (i feel more guilty as i listen to the songs you sent me). :S anyway, my productivity still sucks in each passing day. argh, prelims is drawing near, this just isn't good for me. gonna start blogging lesser and lesser.. life's pretty much the same. just studying. studying. studying. slacking. thus screwing up/wasting my life away.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @10:47 PM
IT'S A HAPPY DAY (:HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JASMIN!HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO ME!haha. ((: clique (cheryl, jas, nessa, wanwen, szehui, bel and elaine and KELVIN) haha. celebrated my birthday together with jas! :D totally
unexpected! compared to the other two surprises? haha! lol, hmmm wanwen is so.. haha, i paid for my own cake! haha, mine and jas cake! haha. at least for awhile. haha, cause posb can get 10% off for sweet secrets cake, so wanwen got me to use mine as she didn't have hers! haha, whatever! so technically i bought my own cake for 1 hr? haha. so sad to know
my cake is discounted? haha. lol kidding lah. in the end, they paid me lah! haha, but got extra so i have a
$2 "hongbao"! YAY! hmmm, lol thanks to nessa and her choices of presents! haha, when she called me to tell me her idea for jas, i kept laughing and laughing and laughing at it! in the i-space! haha, huiting, samuel, kimsoon, rebecca & weidin were clueless about me laughing, but after i explained it, haha, they didn't share my joy?!? haha, for jas, HAIR PLUGS! haha, can be used for her eye lash! wahahaha. LOL (: haha. she got me a even "funnier" present! thanks man. it was some soap confetti for me to sprinkle on my lover? wth. haha. lol. and lol, JASMIN WAS EARLY TODAY! like omg! haha, i was early too! but it's so rare! tml must buy 4D! haha. anyway, we were eating at "sticky rice" at serangoon gardens, and i think the stupid manager was making up stories about customers complaining about our noise level. haha, though we are loud, but restaurant can make noise? not say the restaurant is all that classy? frankly i don't think the food is all that great? lol, we gave them at least 5 5cents, and 10 10cents! wahahaha? tip! haha.
the birthday girls (: haha, for me, soon to be! :P
happy birthday to jas! happy birthday to me! *sings softly so that the manager won't complain*
CUT CAKE! haha. where's jas's hand? i covered it with my fat hands! ah, and my eyes are gone :P
candid shots always bring out the best of us? love my clique!
our sparklers together as one! :P
sparklers! why isn't mine like wanwen's and nessa's! sigh. haha.
haha. i had a great time! (: haha and so nice to laugh and laugh and laugh! haha. after that, we went to the good ole playground! (: haha, and played sparklers! (: haha, so fun! can't wait for the photos! thanks guys for the great time! and for the present! haha, and for remembering and celebrating! ((: i kept smiling whenever i think of today just now!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, September 04, 2006 @7:04 PM
haha! me, samuel, weidin, huiting and kimsoon went to have breakfast at the serangoon tau huay place (: i ate the
tau huay and curry chicken puff (: greedy me! then we went to ispace to study with rebecca! haha, and weifang came later. haha, my productivity is so low, and initially 2005 paper first question gave me a scare, but rebecca's answers were there go comfort me! haha, yay! we had
canadian pizza for lunch (: though it wasn't that filling, but it was nice! haha, i provided the number. :D haha, lol canadian pizza's ad kept coming to my mind, the retardness of how they showed the number, that's how me and my brother rememered involuntarily the number! lol! hmmm a few of them were napping at some point of time! lol too tired, especially for samuel, and huiting sick? haha. darn, though i was in school for many hours, but the amount done was really little. haha, hmmm, disappointed with myself.oh i saw weishun on the bus home, i think it's the most i ever spoken to him! it's funny how we could talk of so many things when we usually don't? haha, but it was great to have a companion home!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, September 01, 2006 @12:43 PM
shucks! forgot to blog yesterday.
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY JAM!(31st august kid)haha. don't know what's with me! i'm getting so confused with dates these days. i can't seem to fixed on one to give a birthday bash for jas! sorry guys. i truly miss them all! haha, yesterday i talked quite abit to szehui online, it was nice. haha, and the combine convo with jas and szehui for awhile was good too!
hmmm, prelims are getting closer. and the countdown clock on ny website just scares the shit out of me. i spent the
entire day yesterday
NOT studying. and today, i continue to slack after doing a
pathetic amount of work. :p i can't say slacking isn't fun though! i yesterday absolutely enjoyed myself, i wonder why time passes so fast! the shiok-ness of winning those big-tais from mahjong is undeniably good! but two-person mahjong means it's easier to get those big-tais lah. but still, the feel is good (: haha. oh yes, i rained for the entire day yesterday, the only good thing is, at night, the weather was wonderful! after teachers' day celebration, sam, gavin, weidin, weifang, kimsoon and me went to mos burger (: haha. guess some jokes just stick into someone for a very long time! haha. hmmm. sighs, no one is free to study today? guess that means i'm stuck with my brother at home. )): the naiveness in him is, unbelieveable.
⥠lost for words and i drift.