Sunday, November 27, 2005 @9:13 PM
hmmm, the end of the week already. the week has passed far too quickly and silently.
haha, but i have a sudden
love for
badminton! wahahaha. (: even though i am kind of lousy with it! esp. the serve part, i am crap. you should close your eyes when i serve! but if you wanna laugh at me, FINE, open up your damn eyes!
haha, played badminton on friday! wahahaha, perspired like hell, then go orchard. and it had to be cramped in the mrt, i guessed the mrt was filled with my perspiration! stunk up the mrt? nah, my perspiration smell is always sweet-smelling, so nvm one! they will love the natural scent provided by me, free of charge!
haha, got my treat from the m&ms lover! wah lao, i should have ordered more sia! haha, oh man, i walked absolutely alot on friday! from taka, all the way to centrepoint and that og place, sorry, i'm bad with the building names! centrepoint is totally traumatic to my mind! i was practically forced to watch the
colour of christmas m&ms musical! it's ridiculous! how can
m&ms have legs, hands and be
ALIVE?!? and how can they have sexes!! damn, i was forced to watch crap! haha, and walked all the way to wheelock place and lido! haha, wth!
haha, judo was quite interesting this week! haha, today watched snow queen. lol, not that nice sia. :P haha, bowled today! suck totally!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @4:23 PM
my thumbs are cursed! first my left thumbnail bend backwards.. NOW, today ): a tragic thing happen! my thumb got squashed. when i used the word squashed, i mean squashed!

ouch! ): haha, shall not say who was the evil one who pulled it up! haha, accidentally though.
wahaha, went for night trng. quite interesting! :P i must learn more about sweeping!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 @11:38 PM
what a day at the office. i think i burn the whole day away with msn. haha, and my mother thought i was helping her with the product description. damn funny. cause i was typing very engrossly. haha, anyway, the wireless i could connect to wasn't the one my parents used. lol, it seems that i can connect to other
STRONGER and BETTER connection, which is good! haha, and their printers too. lunch is free. the blessings of parents! wahahaha. nothing else i can say. hmmm, even though i'm quite pampered still in the office, but i do learn certain things. how unreliable some contracters are? this carpet contractor. she said she would be here in an hour at 10am! but she never showed for the entire day. she called at around 3 plus, saying she has send a salesperson already, but the guy never showed. wth. also learn that, some assholes that pick up the phone, speak like they have doing very well and don't give a damn about doing business with us. hahaha, well, halfway through, went to parkway to buy christmas cards (for my mum's purpose) and GNC. she just had to make a stopover. haha. well, nothing much about my day. i just wasted another perfectly good time to nap! )):
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, November 21, 2005 @10:56 PM
haha, went to my parents' office to work. was forced lah,
don't work, no december allowance! HOW CAN I REFUSE SUCH A THREAT? haha, wth, i did some stuff i would never have done. you might save i have been living in a sheltered lifestyle, not being able to be confident to make a simple call. but it was
difficult for me, to call down 2 paint companies and asking them to come down to take a look at the office and give us a quote. :P hmmm, wth, one of them spoke with a broken english. before that, i tried my best to find an english-y company, perhaps, i might get someone of a similar lousy english standard as me. haha,
chose the company name "Colourview" over "Jiale". wth, i didn't want to converse in chinese. lol, i don't want to be mock at! haha, made lots of mistakes lah, didn't have the office address with me! which was the most important thing to do! i was determine not to get it wrong for the second call, some indian guy picked up, LOL. haha, who knew i made more mistakes for that second call! didn't know the area of the office! didn't know whether we wanted
WASHABLE and NON-WASHABLE paints! tried my best to ask him for a rough cost difference between the two (cause my father, who was standing right next to me, wanted me to!)! haha, washable is $1100 with non-washable is $500! haha, *proud* i learn smtg new today! ((: die, tml must call the carpet contractors! wth, my mother says must go and learn about the various carpets then ask them! ):
haha, judo trng! lol, only 13 people turned up! or maybe 12, cause hanjie came at like 4.15pm? 1hr 15mins later! ultimate! haha, shiyun pangseh me! never tell me, suppose she's at chalet? lol. hmmm, today was the perfect weather to SLEEP and got trng! ): sigh, i think i under-performed! haha, cart-wheel damn shit. handstand wth. back breakfall also got problem! damn
jialak! haha, uchimata! lol, forced to try this horrid thing! the probabilty of doing it successfully is 1 in 50? damn shit!! shoulder throw, wth, no freaking hip contact! what's wrong with me! hahaha.
i'm tired. tired of planning.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, November 20, 2005 @3:03 PM
haha, realized i haven't blogged about my judo experience with cj. (: haha, i've really lost touch with judo throws although it's just a couple of weeks without judo! regretted not going for any of the saturdays one, cause maybe i could rmb how to do judo. yup, i think my coordination skills is a real problem. ): haha, anyway, when i
randoori-ed (sparred) with one of the cj girls, she went very low to do the throw. my right cheek went down first! ouch! my right side of the head was pretty numb for around 3 secs! it was certainly in a state of shock! and she went to do the throw again, i think it's cj style of doing two-arm? haha, perhaps she liked to do two-arm throw! (: haha, oh well, i really dare not rub my face. haha, i spot a little bruise only! rub no further!
i rmb that sulaiman told us that, if you feel very pek chek, do pushups and keep thinking where you go wrong. the next trng, you come back stronger and you work on your mistakes, make sure you don't do it again. yup, something along those lines. i think it's quite useful, i shall heed this advice!
PUSH-UPs HERE COMES KRISTAL!(: i have set a target for this holiday! hopefully i don't lose focus! i want to lose weight and train up my stamina! and get my year 1 foundation nice and strong! (: and of course, try to save some money!
haha, pack my one of boxes! haha, the
treasures i discovered!
my archie comics! although i know that i lost quite a few last time, cause my friends didn't return! haha, so my collection is kind of incomplete!):
haha, anyway, found my
primary school jacket and uniforms.
i'm a marymount convent kid! haha,
my brother used to pronounce it as mary mouse! lol, what the hell! haha, one of the uniform blouses had
autographs by my primary school peers! lol, it was kind of the
'in' thing, for my class at least! :P and the jacket, i think i still fits me, it will kind of short though!
haha, i found
this tiny book titled "SPY CODES"! if i didn't recall wrongly, i bought it at those
book fairs i used to have in my school. haha, you know, every time, they would give you a list on the books they would have, and you carefully select the books you wanted, your parents give you that sum of money, and you go and buy them! hmmm, the "SPY CODES" book also reminds me of how i loved anything
those were the days where i used to imagine myself as a spy! doing all those detective stuff! i tried writing in codes, but obviously gave up! it's tedious! haha, i rmb trying to use powder to dust for fingerprints! lol, and obviously it didn't work! haha. i think i got inspired by james bond ,agent 007, suave and damn COOL spy! (: haha, wait, i still do
love spy stuff! haha, me and my csi! ((:
my sticker collection! haha, looney tunes! BABY DAFFY DUCK! so cute! :P and i can't believe it, sailor moon lah, i hate it! haha, i have albums and albums of stickers! ((: memories of how i bought stickers after stickers!
haha, i found my
pokemon cards collection! (: my album, the damage counters, the instruction manuals, the tokens! how i cherished it! haha, i found the
pokemon stickers too! haha, all 100 odd of them! last time there were only 100 odd! now, plentiful. my brother was saying that it was outdated! i felt like slapping him! haha.
haha, i
threw away my
not-powerful-at-all microscope! ):
my love for science? haha, i rmb how i view an ant under it! haha, cause it wasn't so powerful, i needed to go to the balcony to get sufficient sunlight in order to view it! haha. there were thread samples provided also! what a waste, you know, throwing it away!
found a
yo-yo! haha, i rmb last time, one of the times, it was a hot thing to have a yo-yo! haha, tried to master some walk-a-dog thing, but the furthest i went was just playing with the yo-yo! oh yah, and last time, those
sea-monkeys! haha, i rmb! haha, on the tanks, there were manifying glasses to see their bodies! haha, i think i rmb that they can
mate! lol! shit, i rmb i couldn't do
five stones! i could never catch anything i threw! :P
haha, i saw my
puppets last time! haha,
amy the rabbit and zack the monkey! lol, my mother told me it was used to tell me stories! haha, i had tons of books about amy and zack and their
ALPHABET friends, the stories which i
faintly recall are in
tapes, where the stories would be narrated to me!
(haha, maybe that's why i'm always too lazy to read books! i need someone to read them to me!) those tapes were kept in this
long-ish thing! haha, i rmb zack has a
treehouse! can roughly rmb the picture! oh man, haha,
my mother says that each story teach a certain moral! lol, maybe that's why i'm so morally upright! ((: why don't you agree? haha, i couldn't bear to throw
amy and zack away! they taught me the morals i have in me today! they
made me who i am today! wahahaha. oh man,
wanwen rocks! she jolted my memory! she knows zack too! and she loves
Willie who is a
Wolf! cause
she was egoistic as a child! she rmb
Willie cause his name starts with
W (which is the same as hers)! haha, she reminded me of one of the
alphabet friends!
penelope pig! i rmb her story. she ran out of paint and needed this particular paint colour, but you needed to mix it! haha, so had to choose the right combination of colours to get.. hmmm, i think it was purple? or was it pink? lol!
i found my
"diary". it isn't really a diary lah! haha, just wrote my holiday experience! lol, and i saw one very childish entry in another book, about how my mother is unfair! oops, i still do write about my mother's unfair treatment! guess i haven't really mature yah? haha, err, i think i matured lah! yupyup.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, November 19, 2005 @11:27 PM
went to novena square and united square with jansen, jamie, kimsoon and weidin to look for the jansen's and jamie's cup. then went to marina bay to fly kite? for a little while. haha, they didn't manage to fly it up before i left. anyway, weidin got mud-ded the most lah! he slipped and fell, the stupid mud! :P then kimsoon RAN into the mud! jamie too! lol. (:
did something against my principles! ah, why did i do it? went out with szehui to suntec and bugis. what can we do at these two places? haha, you should be able to guess the forbidden thing i did! ): i shall medidate and ponder on my wrongdoings! hopefully, i will never cross over the line!
haha, i can't believe the amount of money i spend on transport today! :P
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 @8:58 PM
judo :P cross training with cj. hahaha, quite interesting. well, i suck during the whole thing. shan't talk about it, i'm not in the right mood. err, screw econs and the reasoning templates.
i'm losing it. thank goodness you aren't facing me, i would have lost my cool. i don't need this shit. i really wish i could sleep this shit off.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @9:32 PM
lunch-ed with gavin, weifang, weidin and kimsoon. haha, gavin kept complaining about the aunty's f***ed up face when he ordered $1 worth of fries instead of $2! lol. we helped him seek revenge! but too bad, the aunty wasn't the one washing the plate! ): haha. damn, i ate one slice of
kaya-guyu bread, one half-boiled egg and
popiah was nice, but a wrong choice! cause i had the
popiah breathe during pt!
pt was quite alright.. hahaha, my running sucks lah. i ran for 5mins and i decided "what the hell, just stop lah!" hahaha. cycled for 10 mins! haha, burnt 50 plus calories! :P did the usuals.
elaine, cheryl, wanwen, jas and ME went to
east coast today! met at amk big macs center to take 76. and as usual, they were late. haha, okay, elaine and jas were early, but they wandered off, never call me! ): after alighting from the 133, i waited by my lonesome self for pretty long! haha, and cheryl was the best of all, 3.20pm called me to ask where i was? she didn't leave her house yet! haha, in the end, around 3 plus 4 took 76! haha, wanwen was suppose to meet us at the bus stop! but when 76 was approaching, she was nowhere near! even though she ran as fast as her tiny legs could carry her, we decided to alight from the bus and wait for another bus, 43! i'm not a bus pass user lah! damn.
by the time we reached
east coast and choose bikes, it was 5.20pm! haha,
cheryl brought her own skates! haha,
wanwen got a super crap bike. the seat is damn freaking low, pedalling is hell! to pedal comfortably and at a reasonable speed, my butt has to move back. both wanwen and i agree that our butt will hurt like hell. and
jas rented a pair of skates! hahaha, i
double-biked with elaine! used the
mini double-bike lah, so malu, everyone was looking! but it was DAMN easy to cycle it! haha, almost no weight lah, or maybe those i cycled with (elaine and jas) are light shits! both of you go and put on weight! hahaha, so i can train up my legs! :P because of wanwen's lousy bike, jas fell! stupid rental shop! hahaha. her injuries are quite bad. shan't elaborate about the cleaning wound process.
cheryl dressed her wounds lor, haha, she learnt
first aid. but it's
how much do you trust her? at that point of time, we were
desperate, no matter how LOUSY the first aider is, use her. haha. they borrowed the
first aid kit from the nearby shop, but it wasn't enough! so me and cheryl tried to sped off to the 7-eleven which was so bloody fast from where we were! trust me, it's super far! haha, but i lost my energy half way, but tried my best to cycle with the crappy bike wanwen got! so, we just bought umbrella and some drinks, and took cotton wool and dettol from the rental shop. haha,
the weather wasn't helping. it rained, i accidentally abandoned cheryl (who was holding the umbrealla) during the cycle back. rushed off to the shelter they were at. :P in the end, still have to wait for cheryl, cause she was the
EXPERT first aid-er! haha, i was slightly drenched! haha, elaine commented that i look sporty! haha, the rain on me looked like a sporty person's perspiration! haha, wth. but i appreciate that comment, i can look sporty!
anyway, i
double-biked with jas! haha, actually i
ferried her!
i'm nice! lol, i want to make her feel guilty sia! hahaha, then wanwen still had the bike. haha, cheryl and her blades.. and
elaine, the lousy fellow who
doesn't know how to cycle or blade,
walked! and made herself useful by carrying the skates, i think? (: haha, had dinner at macs. we cabbed home, wanwen shared with jas while elaine, cheryl and me shared! hahaha (: what a unexpected day, but it's
the laughter we had, something i can never have with anybody else! i love them, and no one can ever replace them.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @7:50 PM
left eyelid is swollen! and it subsided in the afternoon but went back again! dammit. it's not an infection! but i don't know why like that? perhaps damn heaty! or yesterday's overdose of garlic purge out the toxic in my body? i just want to get rid of the swell!
case 1: mosquito mystery!in the middle of last night, i woke up with itches. not just one itch! or two! it's like
5 itchy places! because i unconciously was scratching the bites before the sudden awakening, hahahah, it was swelling
red! and at the same time, i found out about my swollen eyelid! i wished it would be gone in the morning, but
it didn't. my dad got bitten too! haha, my mother saved the day by killing it! the mosquito must be riched with A+ blood type!
hahaha, and
last night, my brother dreamt of a GIANT mosquito chasing him and sucking his blood! talk about coincidences! he dreamt of it, i experienced it. damn unfair!
went to cheryl's house, kanna two more lah! dammit! hahaha. at home, got 2 more! wth, my entire body itches! and have so many mosquito bites!
oh my goodness, i finally found my guitar picks! after so so so so long! hahaha, ((: i love my translucent green pick! (: i shall cherish it!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, November 14, 2005 @10:09 PM
warning: never let jansen near a kitchen. it spells disaster!
jansen's idea of a pancake. or what he claims now, crepe.but seriously, it fits neither the profile of a pancake or crepe. it looks like a worst version of huiting's scrambled egg.
my pancakes! okay, so my pancakes ain't the standard of macdonalds hotcakes (
someone insulted me). but it's better than jansen's! ((: haha, jamie's one was nice too! haha, but she couldn't help it, she ate it before i could take it.. :P
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, November 13, 2005 @11:50 AM
steamboat on the
121105 (yesterday) for
weidin's 17th.
venue: jansen's house.
oh my goodness, his house is the ultimate ulu place. the
bus ride is LONG (
longer than cheryl's lah!) and the
walk in from the bus stop is LONG (
longer than wanwen's lah! times 10?)
who: WEIDIN (birthday boy), rebecca, weifang, huiting, danyu, kimsoon, jansen, jamie and ME! (:
time: supposedly 6pm, but you know, we are always fashionably late! haha, err, ended at 11, i think.
steamboat.beefers table:
WEIDIN, rebecca, jansen and jamie.
non-beefers table: huiting, danyu, weifang, kimsoon and ME!
(okay, let me assure you that the
non-beefers all have
medical insurance, so not to worry, we won't die from.. err.. anyone's
delicious cooking!)
hmmm, it wasn't one of the nicest i have eaten, perhaps due to the stock (forgive me for any incorrect spelling)? hahaha, cause i wasn't there to supervise the cooks, or not, it would have been great! (: but anyway, it's the thought that counts. and i don't have stomach pain/indigestion or unpleasant bowel movements.
to non-beefers table, i eat
caixin that my mummy cook only. (: and i eat OTHER veggie too, like long beans, kangkong, cabbage etc. (:
and i can't believe it, i ate a
prawn! yucks, so in total, plus the hokkien mee's
prawns (had for lunch), i ate 5
prawns! wth, i will stay away from
prawns even more.
and curse jansen, for making me compete. obviously i will lose. dammit, look at who was i competing with lah! and of course
lao da leh. haha, but lucky i didn't have to wash up
ALONE, i will die. i don't even wash plates/bowls after dinner at home!
washing up/cleaning uphaha,
huiting and rebecca are nicest! haha, washing the everything was a tough job! (: i rinse the stuff huiting washed! haha, weifang and danyu dried it! weifang kept the everything. err, the guys cleared the rubbish?
haha, the guys keep making
WEIDIN drink stuff! hahaha, one of them was irish cream!
lao da de jiu liang hen hao. ((: weifang, rebecca, huiting and danyu was unsupportive, they refused to drink milk (irish cream), i'm a lousy liar. :P then, we sang birthday song for
WEIDIN and cut BLACK FOREST cake, huiting could hardly breathe. just wanna wish
WEIDIN again!
HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY! anyway, all of us forced down the cake, at least i did! i ate like
5 cherries. after that, we went home! (: felt super warm lah. haha, anyway, i slept at 12.50am.
sunday.haha, woke up at
7.45am. :P saw gavin at interchange, he was going kayaking. haha, went to the church cheryl goes to. haha, quite interesting, the sermon was on
names of God. grab a quick bite with wanwen and then left for home!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, November 10, 2005 @3:16 PM
pw is finally out of my life! please let me pass it. (: Q & A wasn't that good, what the hell was i saying? why didn't talk more? mr. neo was looking at me with the
"come-on-and-talk-some-more" look! well, it's over, i don't feel that bad lah. haha, presenting was.. err..
stumble-mania! for
all of us, i guess. but it's alright, my group mates did well in my opinion (:
i was superbly
nervous as the time for my turn drew closer. when
samuel said, "now, i'll pass time to kristal who will talk more about our proposal. kristal please.", i was so nervous, i couldn't think clearly, only thing that occured to me was - walk to that spot samuel was standing. even as i said "thank you samuel." i was feeling it, the butterflies in my stomach. so nervous that i couldn't read my first sentence properly, the sentence i could memorize off from the cards (marisca knows it best). but well, that's not really the worse part, the worse part was when marisca passed the brochure and poster samples way early.. i couldn't really think what to say, so i just said "by now, you would have received the samples that marisca has given."
LOOKS good right? (if it didn't look good, just go along with it, haha.) but the thing is, it
didn't SOUND good, i didn't say it fluently, especially for the next couple of sentences. the part was really screwed. it ain't her fault, i think i didn't tell her properly, and i would have stumbled even if she gave at the right time. but overall,
in my opinion, i managed to give adequate eye contact, usually i will just look at the cue cards most of the time! haha, quite happy with myself, cause
i didn't giggle yah? hahaha, mrs tan should be quite proud of me, lol. ((:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 @10:46 AM
went out with jas, nessa, vonne and wanwen for lunch! (: stupid wanwen and her SUPER SMALL waffle! hahaha, should have ate with nessa chicken! lol, haha, ooohhh, vonne! haha, miss her quite a bit! we found out some stuff from her, all thanks to nessa, BIG mouth! haha, jas has super nice ear rings lah! miss them lots! :P *guilty* dammit, i shouldn't have left earlier, could have slack instead of going to peel corn for the bbq..
haha, class barbeque!
suppose to start at 6pm, but by the time everything was settled, it was like 7-odd? hahaha, i like the chicken chop! (: no need to eat chicken wings! haha, and it's nice, without the
excessive honey. haha, the punch was
good. :P haha, JAMIE's beef was nice, tender and juicy. the potato also very nice! but i only ate it quite late, and became super duper bloated cause of the drink. needed to burp like hell and walk like hell. wah lao, then got a slight headache for awhile! omg, weidin is the best! he can
down in less 10 sec! gav is weak, hahaha, no lah, he's just like my dad, turn red right after drinking. haha, anyway, cycled out of the jansen's
ulu house twice lah! haha, i am weak, i need to start exercising like now. by the time i reached home, was 12. yup, showered very quickly,
BRUSH MY TEETH (hygienic unlike gav) and slammed down onto the bed. haha.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, November 07, 2005 @10:04 AM
omg, never eat at expo food court. it sucks. it's the worst food anyone can eat! it's definitely the most disgusting food i have eaten! lol, went to the mph sale, hahaha, my mother forced me to buy a book! wah lao. haha, went to the metro sale lah, bought one tees. if only my mother allowed me to buy those shorts! ): damn.
went to marina square with cheryl and wanwen. cheryl wasn't suppose to come lah, lol, cause i made wanwen come out to show me her hairstyle and show her my ****. anyway, they bought new wallets, haha, i did some nice wallets, haha, yes, i will save and buy! haha, then we went to eat at cartel. haha, wanwen owed us a treat! haha, me and cheryl just paid 10 bucks each. (:
then ps with wanwen, cheryl left to drink H20.
i was super excited about going to ps, cause i thought i could buy the same
keychain again,
boxer shorts picture! but when i went to that store,
THERE WASN'T ANY LEFT. ): ps is now far too disappointing!
haha, mu ee has a damn slick lighter (black and almost squarish), haha, i want to have it!
haha, went to action city, haven't been there in quite a bit. lol, the lighter designs they have are absolutely cute! haha, the cutest was the
FIRE EXTINGUISHER one! you know, a lighter lights, and a
fire extinguisher extinguishes the flame, it's like 2 contradicting elements put together. it's SUPER cute. omg, when you try to light it (medium size one), there will be a sound! the large one is also an ASH TRAY! wah lao, damn cute! i must have the medium size one!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, November 04, 2005 @10:57 PM
today is klumsy kristal day!
today is the most number of times i was clumsy for!
(a) when i was at amk macs, i tried to remove the tray no. 1, so i can put tray no.2 with fries on. first, the
empty water bottle for tray no. 1 dropped down. so i quickly put the tray no. 2 down, and followed by tray no.1, so i could pick the bottle up.
(b) then, as i put the tray no. 1 down, the
empty mcflurry bottle dropped down on the floor. i said out silently, "fuck". wahahaha.
(c) at dinner, at the s11 next to macs. okay, i ordered 2 bowls of bak chor mee and it came along with 2 bowls of soup. so i walked with that absolutely HEAVY tray. the table was extremely extremely far away. wth, i was doing pretty alright all the way despite a small gap which i managed to squeeze through it. and
as i put down the tray, the soup spilled! DAMMIT!
(d) i went to play pool with jansen, kimsoon and huiting. i couldn't control the cuestick properly,
it kept hitting off-centre and my ball went don't know where?
(e) erm, huiting didn't really play until the very very very end. haha, and when i started playing with her, my skills went for worse to worst! haha, then this orange and yellow solids gave me lots of trouble. when i tried to hit in the
orange ball, the
yellow blocked. and when i tried to hit the
yellow, the
orange blocked! this went on for a couple of times. and when i was sure i could hit in, then i said out,
"if i can't hit this one, i really can cry!" and i really
MISSED the bloody ball! clumsy shit!!
(f) so i tried to pretend cry, and wth, i hit the dustbin over! i don't know, but perhaps i was too high at that point of time, and there goes the dustbin!
what a day!anyway, i have never seen huiting so afraid before. haha, her
fear of cats! just now, she briefly told me her horrible encounter of cats with her friend some nights ago. how scared was she? SUPERBLY scared! when we were near her house, she kept looking out for the cats. damn funny, she keep pulling my sleeve! haha, i tried to reassure her!
i'm nice! hahaha. i never had someone pull my sleeve before, lol. makes me feel so, bodyguard-able. hahaha. so i walked her home. but this time, haha, i walked her right to the lift.
i'm nice! right? her fear of cats, at least it more logical than LIZARDS.
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, November 03, 2005 @6:46 PM
wahahaha, cheryl is my csi saviour! haha, she taped the show for me! ((:
9.55pm movie last night at the
marvellous j8!
hmmm, i expected more from the movie, haha, there goes my $9.50! jamie was like (during the movie),
"this is what you dragged us to watch?". hmmm, it's agreeable that it was that nice. but
to agree with JAMIE, it's a whole new different issue. jamie's taste in movies are somewhat.. err.. how shall i put this.. hmmm, i shall be blunt then, her taste in movies are childish/immature. lol, she likes to watch a movie with a cartoon chicken dancing and/or singing to the crazy frog tunes? i mean, duh, no wonder she dislikes thriller movies like flightplan. wahahaha. so due to this, i guess she won't really appreciate movies that requires thinking, and movies which you can learn from. :P hope she doesn't kill me! please don't let her see this. please don't let her see this.
haha, some
obsessive lizard freak always gives me a
heart attack, knowingly that i have a weak heart. not only is she
obsessed with lizards, she is
obsessed with making me whine (which i will not, like over my dead body!), AND she is
obsessed with my handphone camera, she's discovered the beauty of a lousy camera, haha, why? you know, lousy camera means can't take.. err, too pretty details of her face. (:
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @12:50 PM
311005 the horrors of chinese. the chinese ao paper started at 8.12am for ny. the damn teachers only allowed us in at 8am? but we are suppose to begin the paper then? haha, but i later heard from the rest that their paper started late as well. lol,
mj counted the paper for at least
half an hour? wth! i thought they are factory workers, should be count faster what. haha. anyway, chinese compo titles were ALL difficult shit, dammit. hopefully i don't go out of point! the paper 2 die le.
PLEASE LET ME GET C6!haha, after the paper, went to play at the school
gym for awhile with some of the judo people -
BELOVED jeslin, qinqi, valmond, wee kiat (confirm wrong spelling), kiansoon and valmond. haha, i daren't try the jogging one. hahaha, damn paiseh, got the damn fit rugby people! hahaha, then jasmine wee came, quite late. and i asked her for the time,
SHIT! i'm late. i'm suppose to meet elaine at our house bus stop at 1.45pm!! then cheryl called, asking me where i were. oops, i lied. if i told her i was still at ny, she would flip! haha, then walk as fast as my fat legs could bring me to the bus stop. haha, saw the judo coach, lol! haha, when i reached the bus stop, 58 just came! heng i didn't miss it. but then,
stupid elaine was LATE! we almost missed the 162 okay. so we went down to thomson prata together. haha, bel and cheryl were there le. haha, ordered our food and wait for the rest to arrive. haha. had lots of laughs. finally, wanwen came, then nessa and szehui! hahaha, hmmm,
elaine is super embarrassing!! laugh like so LOUD, the whole bus stop and beyond turned to look at us when she laughed! ah! boy were we embarrassed. cheryl and i quickly flocked the furthest we could, no way were we gonna be associated with..
ELAINE! ah! haha, then, cheryl, nessa, szehui, wanwen, and
REGRETFULLY elaine came to my house. haha, watched
the longest yard! hmmm, nessa and wanwen RANSACKED my cabinet. haha, greedy them! the show was damn nice! then, cheryl left to go home with *clears throat* hahaha, and szehui and nessa, tsktsk, so desperate just because they wanted to see. lol. then we just talked and talked and talked, then elaine left for church. hahaha, then nessa, szehui and wanwen left at 7 plus. nessa's father came to picked them up from j8, so i walked with them.
went to thai express to look for my family, gobbled some food. SOME only. then went home, watched tv for awhile, got pissed about the bloody computers! then left at 9 plus to meet weidin, jansen and kimsoon. haha, went to have DINNER? haha, ajisen ramen. i ate the 3 for $10 thing, but could hardly finish. whatever that was in my wallet was GONE. hahaha, had to withdraw money! ): i have 100 bucks for nov. yay, i spent like 120 bucks of my nov allowances in oct? wth. weidin went home first, coz he has training today! haha, then the 3 of us went to s11 to slack around. haha, i drank tea with milk only, i'm a good girl! haha, stupid jansen went to buy
heineken. haha, but their drinking process was suppose funny, jansen is just.. err.. jansen. hahaha. then took 410 back home. reached home at 11.30pm. the bloody computers were still cocked up!!
i so badly needed to use the msn! WHY YESTERDAY? haha, ended up watching a crap movie on channel 5, cause i couldn't sleep, till 2am.
it was a happy day, many laughs were shared,however, the laughters weren't complete.and, a problem of yesterday remained a problem of today.and sadly,another problem isn't anyone's fault.blaming yourself ain't gonna solve it,please don't think,you're the cause.and please don't think,eliminating the cause will solve it.'cause it won't,the effects is already done.just stay with us, we'll solve it.sigh.
⥠lost for words and i drift.