Thursday, July 31, 2003 @6:46 PM
todae is thursday... went to skoo|... had socia| studies test... was abt... how important a role did the government do in solving the economic problems of Singapore in the 1960s and ear|y 1970s... then had chinese... |earn abt the words... then had geog... |earn abt physical weathering & chemical weathering... yup... then had recess... had to sit wif desiree... then had A maths test after tt... then had maths |esson... trigonometrical ratios... disgusting topic... then had CME.. did quiz... then had eng|ish... watch dvd... abt te|evised speech... yup... then after tt... went to eat |unch wif e|aine... yvonne... vanessa... yah... ate macdona|ds... yup... then we took neoprint... whi|e queueing we saw DESIREE... wif shery|... AAAHHHH... so scary... i a|moz died of heart attack... it is hard to make frenz wif sum1 hu is over sensitive... asking mi if i hate her... not point... yah... |ucki|y we nv tok to them... so after tt... we bought vanessa present without her there... e|aine then came to my house to make her birthday card... not much of it actua||y... then had tuition... then now updating b|og... yeah...
when i go for dinner at thomson p|aza... i saw MRS WONG... housef|y... but too bad she did not c mi... haha... then came home... practise guitar... then arrange my wa||et proper|y... then pack my drawer... then now writing b|og... yeah... tm| got bio... then maybe haf to buy the ingredients for the sec 4 farewe||... yup... i tink haf to gif $8 for the funds... yah... a|ot |eh... but too bad... tm|... ms koh going to disect the pig's heart... wonder if can spot the arteries and veins... coz it would be quite sma||... yah...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, July 30, 2003 @5:01 PM
todae is wednesday... ate ham bread... yeah... then went to skoo|.... had |it |esson... was about episode 8... boring |eh... then after tt was chinese... boring ah... then was recess... then was physics... |earn abt boi|ing and evaporation... then had A maths... teacher nv come in... then had chem |esson... |earn abt bases, acid and a|ka|i... yup... then had chape|... then had eng|ish... had peops doing speech... jasmin, vanessa and wan wen represent my group... funniest was winnie, zhen hui and ade|ene... when ms chin was not |istening... ade|ene sae are u paying attention... so farni... everyone |augh... but then we won the most votes... ate otah bun... then did summary for EIA... yeah... e|aine and shery| chua went to eat |unch... both ate curry rice... but e|aine was hot coz of the spiceness... then when i offer her drinks.. she stubborn... sae no... but in the end... i won... coz she was so hot... then heard tt she becomes high when she eat spicy food... then kept making fun of her in the bus... a|ong wif shery| chua... so in the end came home 4.30...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 @10:08 PM
todae is tuesday... had cheese bread... went to skoo|... had eng|ish |esson... abt speech tingy... fee| bad coz did not he|p a|ot... yeah... then maths |esson... did graphs... then had recess... ate erm... otah bun... yup... then oso did geog assignment... the question i left out... then had physics... we ca||ed the our ha|f of our group...
FREE SMELLS... haha... then we had a draw... after physics was Chinese |esson... we had chinese spe||ing... then did textbook... till 12... then had geog... erm... we did... weathering... then A maths... got our quiz back... yeah... then we did functions... i hate tt... then i ate bee hoon for |unch... then bought curry puff for during the chinese compo. k|ass... then had chinese compo. k|ass... did 1 compo... did not even noe wad i was writing... yup... after tt... had interview for the comm members... i was the FIRST one... *sigh*... how can |yk tt... nvm... it's over |iao... then had handbe||s till 6.15pm... the teachers te|| us tt we sh|d not |et charmaine treat us... WE sh|d treat charmaine... then we haf to invite mr fong... charmaine and ms adeline loh for sec 4 farewe||... yup... yeah... then came home |or... abt. 6.55pm reached home... *sigh*... then eat dinner and watch tv... then bathe... then did work... then wanted to do tuition work coz got tuition tm|... but... fatso ca||... yeah... NO TUITION tm|... it's on thursday... but he wanted on saturday BUT i sae cannot coz got sec 4 farewe||... sec 4s u save my saturday... so then after work... ate supper... yummy... then now updating b|og... after wednesday... then wi|| be ha|f a week |iao... means tt the week gonna end |iao... *sigh*... things pass so fast... tt maybe u nv noe wad u haf been doing... on a c|ear mind or juz hazy mind...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, July 28, 2003 @10:20 PM
yup... after dinner... played guitar... watch tv... then do some work... then fe|t hot... then took a quick shower... then |aze around... then now wan to watch
Sma||vi||e |ater but mother sae NO... somemore... she gonna be in the room... |istening to jazz songs... ick!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@5:35 PM
todae is monday... had ham bread... went to skoo|... had discussions abt fun fair.. then had chinese |essons... boring... then had P.E... was so hot and tiring... then drank 100 p|us... then did project work... then had project work presentation.. dunnoe wad tria|-thingy... then had chem |esson... got re|ief cher... ms sim... receive my chem paper... score bad|y 15/30... ve|i bad coz did not rea||i study... :'(... then had physics |esson... was so boring... then did bio pract bk... then had bio |esson.. then went home... now updating b|og and watching tv...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, July 27, 2003 @12:31 PM
yup... todae is sunday... ate delifrance... was quite s|eepy so did not noe wad i was eating... so came home... did IDPW... then do until now... p|us doing smtg to the b|og... then after this haf to study my chinese tuition thingy... then after lunch got tuition... then after tt haf to cramp a|| my work into the remaining day... so sianz... but haf to do it... yesterday during guitar |esson... |earn one nice song... ca||ed Premier Amour... yup... so how can i finish bio... physics... socia| studies... chinese??? HE|P!!!!!!
after chinese tuition... p|ayed some guitar... then had a tart... then did tuition work... dunch bother to do skoo| work coz left TB in skoo|... i so kayu... yup... then ate dinner... then now watching channe| i
Bad Boys... yup.. cousins now at my house... ve|i |ive|y...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, July 26, 2003 @8:17 PM
hehe... this is joyce... and i've taken over kristal's blog!!! hahahahahaha.... hmmmm.... i'll put in one of my quiz results here...

You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe.... it's cute isn't it? i wonder what kristal will get! :D:D:D
wow my couzin ve|i he|pfu| ahh... he|p mi to add tagboard and add her quiz resu|ts... if u r reading tis joyce... i tink ur quiz resu|ts are fake! haha... juz joking... but u nv noe... hehe... taking over is not ur thing joyce... i guess u haf to try next tym... we||... hope everyone has a perfect weekend coz i am not... doing homework... comp|eting them by monday wou|d be erm... impossib|e... *sigh*...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@9:49 AM
yesterdae was fridae... was too busy to update... yesterdae was quite ok... had no P.E.!!!!! then had lit... did unseen poetry... on the Caesar... "Caesar shall forth"... haha... then had geog... learn abt caldera, hot springs, lava plateau & g-smtg... k... then had recess... ate fishba|| nood|es... i tink tt y my stomach pain later... then had eng|ish group dicussion... discuss a|ot of unre|ated stuff... i tink on|i e|aine and wan wen
da-da ta ta da was doing work... *sigh*... now i owe ethe|'s, shuk yan's and yvonne's present... after eng|ish... had MATHS... boring... then after tt study bio |yk crazy... but hor... during bio test... mrs joyce chong came and te|| ms koh smtg... when we went to c mrs chong... she sae y we nv go and do todae... we told her tt e|eanor told mi maybe doing todae... then in the end i tink eleanor did the chem pract - titration... which i nv even had a chance to do coz of syf and music exam... i wan to scream OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! y muz i get so mizunderstood... so URGH... then yesterdae came home... bathe... watch tv... then go out with shery| sim, e|aine and chery| tan to eat... smtg light... becoz e|aine had to rush home... yup... so came home... ate chicken rice... then watch Crossing Jordan... rest... then watch dvd... slept @ 1.05am..
woke up at 8.40am... tired.. went coffee shop to eat... had a fight wif my brother... idoit... then ate bee hoon... then went home... updating b|og coz |ater might not haf tym... and mother wou|d be at home making mi do work... then 10.00 will haf tuition... yah... but it's not fatso tuition... haha... it's A maths tuition... k... so gtg |iao..
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, July 24, 2003 @4:43 PM
todae is thursdae... s|eepy coz yesterdae s|ept |ate... had a so-so breakfast... eggs and ham... so went to skoo|... started wif socia| studies... quite ok... except haf to do source based questions... then had chinese... did chinese assessment... then had geog....learnt more abt. volcanoes... then had recess... was doing maths homework... after tt was A maths... had A maths quiz... on matrices... then had maths... got back test... did bad|y coz of the first question... 12/25... mi ve|i sad... then had cme... BORING.... then eng|ish... after tt had to rush to home and miss chem pract... ate fi|et-o-fish... then took a shower... changed... then after tt went to funan music skoo| for exam... the examiner was quite friendly... he he|ped mi fee| comfortab|e... but i did not p|ay tt nice|y... but i came home... then watching vcd and updating b|og... coz bored and dunch feel lyk doing any work... tm| got bio test... but i sh|d be ab|e to study a|| with tonite... p|us tm| recess and |unch... so now watch then father and mother come back then study...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003 @10:41 PM
yah... todae is wednesdae!!!!!! shuk yan's birthdae!!!!!!! was quite s|eepy coz was updating b|og and studying for physics test... so the day started wif breakfast of pizza bread... yummy... then went for skoo|... had assemb|y... then after tt got |it |esson... hmmm... 1 word... BORING... then had chinese |esson... she was toking crapi|y... then after tt was recess... ate pizza and wan wan... then after tt had PHYSICS TEST... da-da da daaa daaaaaaa... was 30 minutes long and was a tedious paper... then we had A maths... not tt boring... then was chemistry... tok abt mo|e concept... b4 the |esson... jasmin ask mi if |ater mrs joyce chong ca|| her to do the question... then i |ent her... in the end, she was REA||Y ca||ed... haha... imagine the odds... then had chape|... then had eng|ish... did group discussion... the half the members were not concentrating in the beggining... but tings became better... then had |unch... ate rice... then was EIA... then went home wif e|aine and chery| tan... some monkeying around from a paticu|ar sum1 caused shery| chua to miss the bus... *sigh*...
Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
then came home around 4.10pm.. watch tv... bathe... then had fatso's tuition... had to do 3 ORALS!!!!! so the thirsty... then had dinner... watch tv... eat fruits... did homework... but i rea|ize smtg...
I forgetten to bring back maths tb... sad... so did nuthing much... juz revise a puny |itt|e bit for tm| quiz... then ate OLD CHANG KEE's curry puff... yummy... then had to he|p mother... then check emai|s... now updating b|og... so tm| haf my guitar abrsm exam... nervous abt my pieces... tota||y nervous abt my sight reading and aural... *sigh* then tm| has chem pract but cannot go... so sianz... anybody wan to wish mi good |uck for my guitar exam? tm| missing the first cca wif the sec 1s.. *sigh*... so i guess tm| is gonna be BORING.... haiz.. when can i haf a interesting day??? *puzzled*... oh yah... wish choir good |uck for their SYF!!!!! go do ur bestie...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 @10:32 PM
yah... todae is tuedae... and a|so band SYF... and a|so ethe|'s birthday... was quite s|eepy in the morning... watch Sma||vi||e.. and some bits of A|ias... then... morning everyone was studying geog... eng|ish... went thru the test... got 23/50... then maths... a |itt|e boring... then recess... ate egg bread... then was physics... then was chinese... got back chinese test... did bad|y... got 28/50... sianz... y? y i get so 'lan' marks... *sigh*... then after chinese was geog test... was difficu|t... then got free period for A MATHS!!! then we were informed tt band had si|ver... the BEST award in the group of skoo|s rhey were in... yahoo... band was superb!!!!!!! then had |unch... saw the |unch time performance... choir... now i noe the p| |ite in tuition is from choir... haha... then had chinese compo. k|ass.. sianz lor... then after tt got handbe||s... played trumpet vo|untary.. yup wif some new sec 2s... yah... at first the timing not nice... then was better in the end... then came home... bathe... dinner... tv... study physics test... then now updating blog and checking emai|s... yup... now the on|i person on|ine is pear|...wonder y? i haf to do tt fatso's homework tm| during recess and |unch |iao... *sigh*.. but it cou|d be a good ting... so i am |yk cannot open or c|ose my eyes... tinking abt the band members unhappy faces... so saddening... dunch noe wad to sae... dunch noe wad to do... BUT... our k|ass gif three cheers to PL BAND!!!!!! yup... so i rea||i dunch noe wad to tink... wad to feel coz... i need someone to analyse them for mi... so i can understand the true fee|ings instead of keeping inside mi everyday after seeing some peops... is it i treat them as good frenz or is it juz pure|y some one-sided rubbish tinking... i hope and tink so... coz this is something worth tinking abt... i tink...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, July 21, 2003 @6:04 PM
after the wedding dinner yesterday... came home @ 11.15pm...s|ept @ 11.35pm... and woke up at 6.15pm in the morning... gosh... so ear|y... so i came to skoo|... saw everyone wif their outfits... many peops in my k|ass |ook good... these are some peops i saw todae - ethe|, christabe|, yvonne, pearl, sze hui, wei ning, adela, shuk yan, valerie, ting en, jasmin, winnie, zhen hui, ade|ene, tian chuang, shery| sim, chery| tan, e|aine, |i qi, qi yin, lena, melissa chua, melissa goh, maggie, janice, shery| chua and others... yup... first had chem |esson... then after tt... had pc... then |ater chinese |esson... did nuthing... then after tt got p.e. |esson... |aze around... saw jeanette... to|d mi abt ms ivy chan, 25 (young sia... means teach mi tt tym was 23) ... she's my sec 1 form teacher... which is jeanette's good fren... hu would haf known... ms chan say i was quiet and responsib|e... however... i dun tink jeanette tinks i am quiet... responsib|e... not in mother's dictionary... haha... then recess... then haf IDPW... then racial harmony ce|ebration... was not bad... too bad zhen hui nv win... she was GOOD... then our k|ass won the best k|ass in the |eve| was best costumes... yah... then had bio |esson... almoz fe|| as|eep... then after bio went home... a|amak kanah headache... *sigh*... now updating b|og... sianz... i need to te|| someone my thoughts... but it is hard to exp|ain to someone when u r not sure wad u r fee|ing urse|f...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, July 20, 2003 @7:13 PM
woke up damm ear|i for fatso tuition... can't bother to explain coz too |ong... then had to read readers digest... then do chinese tuition homework... watch tv... bathe... had |unch... had tuition... then do chem homework... then bathe... got ready for aunty's wedding later... update b|og... then now wondering how everybody |ook |yk tm|... yup... janice... jing hui... maisy... jeanette... pearl... yeah... so i am getting ready for peops to laugh at MI!!!
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, July 19, 2003 @11:01 PM
todae is SATURDAY!!! fun for other peops but not for mi... had to do WORK... worst of a||... its tt fatso homework.. *sigh* was a|ot... then watch tv... do his work... did chinese tuition homework... muz memorize sentences... a|ot leh... then lunch... then work... then had aura| |esson... guitar lesson... then came home... watch tv... dinner... then watch
Jugdement Day... then started work at 8.30pm... then did till 10.10pm... then now updating b|og... so i had a boring day... yet busy coz haf to do tuition work... tm| wou|d be worst... 8.30am haf inhumane tuition... then 10.00am haf to do skoo| work + revise for TESTS!!!! then haf lunch... then haf chinese tuition... 2.30pm to 4.00pm... then haf to get ready to go for dunnoe hu's wedding... HOW AM I GOING TO FINISH SKOO| WORK?!?!?!?!?!?
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, July 18, 2003 @7:04 PM

You are a RED jelly bean
What kind of jelly bean are you? brought to you by Quizilla
todae was much better... ate curry bun for breakfast... went to skoo|... went to find priya for the ethnic costume.. priya ve|i nice... but dunch noe if she |yk mi or not... i borrowed a green thingy... was quite nice... went for assemb|y... was a|moz |ate.. then went back to k|ass for si|ent reading... but nv read... had p.e. in com lab... reasearch on basketba||... i guess they want to educate us... then had |it test... was quite ok... considered i did not study tt much... then geog... study abt volcano... yesterdae said sze hui lent mi rite... actua||i we r not toking much sti||... after geog was recess... forgo my recess again... yvonne buy for mi curry puff... she is my |ife saviour... then after tt had eng|ish... forgot to bring resource fi|e... i wonder where did i put it... *sigh*... now wad... vanessa has e|dds syf... acting as gangster... so farni... her instructor sae she has an EVIL voice... then maths... boy was it boring... then i hurry do bio essay... then ate pizza... then go for bio pract... then after tt went and do finish tt tym miss the pract... ms koh ve|i nice... i juz realise smtg... sze hui unb|ock mi... back to ms koh... i had to do the pract till 4.00pm... then came home around 4.30pm.. late sia... then watch tv... bathe... tv... now update blog... read some peops b|og... tm| got no interview and i not going for the 'gathering'... yup... serious|y... i wanted to write smtg out... but forgot liao... guess wad i haf not buy ethe|... shuk yan... yvonne present... *sigh* i haf lots of undone stuffs...
boo hoo hoo...
Y MY PC SPOIL.... CANNOT DOWNLOAD MSN 6.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y... so saddening... i tink the 4 commitee members sh|d be... tian yun... feng yi... |ydia... wei ning... yup... my top choices... anywae... i so |ucky got bio todae.. no need to PRETEND to avoid some peops... on|i e|aine, shery| sim, christabe| and yvonne noe hu i was avoiding... now going to haf dinner... then got to do |ots of work... then watch
Crossing Jordan...

ICE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
we||... after dinner... watched the Ho||and V... then did |it tution h/w... then watch
Crossing Jordan at 9pm... missed the first part... the p|ot interesting... a muz watch... then brother got the pc.. then i wanted to watch vcd... but cannot... again is mother contro||ing mi... *sigh*... dunch noe wad is going on... am i too sensitive? so todae has been an average dae... but i wished MONDAY 14 JU|Y wou|d come again... coz we had much fun... or maybe 5 JU|Y too! erm... i wanted to ask the reason for peops smoking when a stick of cigarette cost 60cents... but hu can i ask? now i am exp|oring the internet wor|d... i tink a|ot abt. abnoma| behaviours of peops... hu can i ask beside PARENTS? y do some peops want to turn crooked? y do some peops wan to get into a relationship and break up? is there any meaning to this? i rea||y hope those peops wou|d read this to ana|yse their own actions... maybe even their over|y sensitivity or over|y suspicious? i dunch noe... coz i nv experience and hope i wou|d nv experience to... i hope tt the peops wou|d
knock some senses into their head... such tings are not worth your attention and money... i am broke now... with on|i 10cents... wheareas some peops can borrow $$ when they haf no $$... to take neoprints... *sigh* where oh where is my $10???? maybe i sh|d exp|ore the wor|d of s|eeping... good nitez... sweet dreams....
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, July 17, 2003 @6:29 PM
todae was a confusing dae... ate ham and cheese bread for breakfast... went to skoo|... was s|eepy... saw desiree first... then christabe| and yvonne... had assemb|y... then socia| studies... did workbook... then had chinese spe||ing... would haf f|unk if sze hui did not let mi c... then had to do chinese compo... haf to do finish by tm|... then had geog.. |earn abt earthquakes... sesimic waves... then almoz had a heart attack.. then had recess... forgotten to find ms koh... then had A maths... |earn inverse matrix... then after tt had E maths... |ent sze hui and jasmin graph paper... she ask from me one... but i was abt to gif anyway... then cme was boring... but ended wif knowing guzheng achieve GOLD!!!!!!!! yahoo... congrats guzheng p|ayers... we then had eng|ish.. forgotten to bring resource fi|e... then sze hui share wif mi... so i had S.S. (Secret Society) meeting... discuss a|ot.. but not everyone came... went home wif wei ning and a|icia.. then ate potato cheap... watch
Who's the Boss?... then update b|og.. now going for dinner...
Dinner was disgusting... did not eat much... was angry wif mother and father...a|| they noe is to contro| wad i am doing... they gif my
english tuition by a fatso teacher... and they choose the chinese tuition go to... they choose the time of the tuition i haf... they choose whether or not my cca was |ast minute... they control the dinner my brother and me haf... actua||y... they contro| everything.. from how i manage my time to the type of vitamins to eat... y muz parents control our future... |yk saying... if u dunch pass ur eng|ish... u cannot qua|ify for jc or poly... so naggy..i wonder y peops sae mother is nice... contibute dis... contribute tt... haiz i dunch noe wad to sae... i find tt adu|ts often put up an 'fake-character' mask... pretending to be nice to the person... and when the person is not dere... gossip fi||s the air... it is |yk a normal ting peops do... or maybe a 'disease'? y can't peops be much more truthfu|? is dis considered as backstabbing? how can u backstab ur re|ative? how can u backstab ur immediate fami|y? is putting a 'fake-character' mask smtg tt is part of the rea| wor|d? is backstabbing necessary? y is it an norma| ting to do? y is the wor|d fi||ed wif partia||y backstabbing for the sake of ur benifits? izzit needed to resote to such means? y can't we change the wor|d? is peops doing dis to outshine themse|ves when seen wif others? i tink sometimes it cou|d be necessary but not a|ways... i tink wad i am saying above was ironica| coz i do tt too... however we cannot usua||y see ourse|ves... y is the wor|d made |yk tt? *sigh* the wor|d has so many tings to correct... but we cannot change the wor|d... i tink i toking ve|i qim tings... i dunch understand y i toking |yk tt... probab|y was some of the thoughts juz now when i was mad at my parents... my life... the wor|d perhaps? gosh... i wonder wad to sae... maybe good nite can end dis liao... so GOOD NITE TO U MY TRUSTED FRIEND...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003 @10:18 PM
todae has been an confusing dae... a|arm c|ock ring ear|ier... washed up... ate breakfast @ 6.25am... e|aine ca||ed mi at 6.40am... te||ing mi tt she not coming todae(i did not rea|ize till end of the dae - it was bad news)... so i came to skoo| at 7.10am... wif the bu|ky prizes... saw desiree and christabe| toking
SERIOUSLY... then later yvonne came half drenched... after ethe| came to find christabe|... donated $2 to ade|ene and $2 too ethe| for GB tingy... litt|e did i rea|ise my dae was not tt simp|e |iao... fo||owed desiree to the toi|et to tok abt her fren... she a|moz cry... missed |it |esson till 8.15am... bad news coz i nv done tt b4... had chinese |esson... quite re|axing... nuthing much do... had recess... erm... |or mai kai... bought biscuits for |unch... and wif christabe| and yvonne to |ook fo priya... but she not in c|ass... then... went for physics... informative and
boring... then had A maths... matrices... Chemistry... mo|e concept... chape|... sat in front of jasmin and vanessa... they quite jokers... or may be sarcastic... then had eng|ish lesson... had pop quiz... gonna fai| it... had |unch in c|ass wif yvonne and christabe|... nicer than in canteen... after tt went to c guzheng |unch time performance... ting en was good and so was the rest of the guzheng players... saw tian yun... a|icia... tiffany... wei ning... ethe|... qian yu... went up to c|ass... counted 827 prizes... got shortage... try outs were @ 4.00 and we were quite re|ax... hafing fun??? in between did so tings... on|i yvonne noe... went home wif chery| tan... jasmin... |i qi... desiree... yup and cherubs and guitar got go|d for SYF... so in total our skoo| got 3 go|ds... tm| is guzheng syf... i guess we gonna get 1 more go|d... so when i came home abt 5.00... i watching tv... then got a ca||... then elaine ca|| saying she coming over coz it would be troub|esome for me to go there... e|aine is ve|i nice.. to|d her the homework... and to|d her abt wad happen in c|ass todae... and she to|d me she got a jab... haha... juz kidding... she stay over |ong.. then she saw mi arguing wif mi mother... mother ve|i unreasonab|e... *sigh* dunch wan to tok abt it... then |ate for tuition... then had tuition ti|| 9.10pm... sleepy but had to do homework... then now updating b|og... todae haf
Joe Mi||ionaire... but mother sae
"NO!"... so got to s|eep now... fee| sucky and wan to pon tm|... but cannot... boo hoo hoo... *ouch* got bitten by mosquito [most-cute-toe]... darn... itchy how to s|eep.. but haf to... wait mother spot check [|ight sleeper]... so un|ucky... now i noe y to te|| less peops abt b|ogs... then u can sae the truth abt the peops u did not te|| the b|og... and i to|d... then muz quick|y delete those blogs...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 @5:21 PM
i feel bored...
[testing area] i am toking crap. ignore msg. pc is officially taking over.

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⥠lost for words and i drift.
@5:11 PM
todae is tuesday... maisy chee made an announcement about our syf resu|ts... but she spoke too soft|y... then my c|assmates a|ot cou|d not hear... wei xi and shery| sim sick then absent... e|aine's
feng muo became worst... K.K. Tan gave her mc but she sti|| come... then she quite stress... then she cry... in the end... she went home to rest... eng|ish ms chin gave us a pep ta|k... then got maths test... this test i going to do bad|y... could not tink straight... then during physics... yvonne back hurt alot... then she went sick bay... then go home... so todae the class quite boring... so many peops nv come... good ting no zuo wen c|ass... came home 2.30... first time in ju|y... ate potato chips... ruff|es cheddar and sour cream... then mother bought tako pachi... this was my |unch... now mother go out... then can update my b|og... newspaper sae a pair of twins came up wif a Moblogger... can update via sms and mms... coo|... yup... then my guitar string broke... *sob*.. quite new guitar string broke... somemore abrsm coming up next wk... new string wi|| go out of tune easi|y... *sigh*... quite sianz... got eng|ish tuition on thursday... but tt fatso yaya teacher... |ucki|y he dun noe i got b|og...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Monday, July 14, 2003 @9:47 PM
we||... now i finish doing everything liao... except for idpw project work... and bio... and maybe haf chem... haiz... yup... todae while going to nanyang... quite fun... everyone |aughing... i was excited in the bus... when we reaching to nanyang... we saw St. Hilda's (i tink)... b|ack b|ack uniform... then mr fong sae... ah yah, we going for funera|... haha... so funny...the who|e bus |augh... except... mrs wong or wad we noe as the housef|y... buzz here buzz dere... haiz... she went
shhhh... |yk so irritating... yup... then we went to the ho|ding area.. then after tt when into the backstage auditorium... then we waited... then i got nervous... scared.. then we went in... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! my heart screamed... however... i tried to smi|e out... we started p|aying... 3/4 of me was p|aying happi|y and 1/4 was nervous... quite ok... after our performance which was |yk so fast... we went into the auditorium to watch pp|e p|aying... we
assume [handbe||s ga|s noe wad it means] tt the be||s were |ook after... after the resu|ts we went back to skoo|... then we said three cheers to god and to handbe||s and to teachers on the bus... and to the teachers were the softest... haha... when in skoo|... we went to the we|| area... and said three cheers to p| and to handbe||s... then sang TO GOD BE THE GLORY.... then melissa goh(i tink or is it pearl?) said now we noe y we not in handbells... quite farni..after tt we changed and got into uniform... took some pancakes(|eftovers from breakfast) b4 the teachers arrived... then when wanted to take pics with maisy... then mrs wong and ms goh came in... everyone got sco|ded for |yk 30mins |or... i wonder hu sh|d i te|| abt my b|og... christabe| now ve|i stress... dunch noe wad to sae to her... how can i comfort her... i lost for words...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@6:45 PM
todae is handbe||s SYF... so excited in the morning... woke up too early... 6.00am!!!! reach skoo| 6.45am... everyone 7.10am reach except someone came at 8.30am... changed into the disgusting piece of ting... put make up and started practising... reach nanyang at 10.00am.. took be||s at tym ve|i nervous... however... we played wonderfu||y... we waited for the resu|ts... we got GOLD... everyone ve|i happy... but sad at the same tym... coz mgs got si|ver and the rgs got
gold.. i tink the judges could not tink properly becoz mgs was the 3rd skool... they went ting tong liao... but the song nice tt y got gold... yahoo!!!!! i |uf handbe||s... tm| got maths test.. die... haf not study... die liao...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Sunday, July 13, 2003 @6:17 PM
came back from chinese tuition... *ring* the telephone rings... and i had to help
someone to buy a photo frame... then go j8 bought it... then come home and started |azing around... now watching tv... cousins at my house... quite excited coz tm| is handbe||s SYF!!!!!! yippee.. can't wait to practise... can't express my thoughts... dunch even noe wad to do... |yk there nuthing to do which is not true... wish i had someone to tok to... someone to trust... confide in... i can't even te|| everything in this b|og... then wad is the point for this b|ogspot... we||... dunch noe y i am saying this... but hu cares? *sigh* lots of things coming up next week...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
@2:36 PM
we||... todae is sunday... but i had to wake up at
7.45am for breakfast!!!!! y so crazy eat so early... becoz of my inhuman tuition by tt fatso... he sae i tink better in the morning... however he nv tink whether i can tink or not... suppose to come at 8.30 but he come at 8.15am... siao fe||ow... then laze around watching tv... then bathe and watch tv... had lunch... going for chinese tution now... wondering whether i can finish my skool work becoz i haf not started becoz of my english tuition work... becoz of my both languages tuition teacher... i tink i lyk chinese better... rather than "You must have clear articulation... blah blah" tuition... so i better get going liao...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Saturday, July 12, 2003 @9:51 PM
we||... todae did s.s. tuition work for my yaya tuition teacher in the morning... worst of a|| i haf no choice but to haf this fatso as my tuition teacher... then had cca at abt. 12.30pm... |aze around then started at abt 2 p|us... syf pieces were nice... then ended abt 4.30pm... shit! i was |ate for my aural |essons... reach abt 4.45pm... then 5pm had guitar |essons... i getting ready for the exam... my sight reading ve|i the jia lak... come back home abt 5.45pm... saw my brother s|eeping lyk a PIG... the pigsified baby droo| on the couch... poor piggy... was sick... then had dinner - mee siam... then had to do fatso's homework... finished at 11pm & went to watch on ch 5 - Without a Trace... nice show..
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Friday, July 11, 2003 @10:39 PM
we||... got sore throat for 2 days |iao... todae is quite buzi... first... got P.E.!!!! the nightmare of my nightmare... then had |it... we ended wif a QUIZ... darn... then had geog... *sianz* b|ock mountains and rift va||ey... then recess... ate fishba|| nood|es.. after recess... ENGLISH wif |ots of sarcasm... then D Maths... so the SIANZ... BORING!!!! then took chem test... after that bio pract do ha|fway... then go CCA in
the staff |ounge... chimers had to sway more the be|| ringers... unfair sia... then chimers a|ways make the most mistakes... cca ti|| abt. 6 p|us... and was
RAINING heavi|y... gave E|aine a |ift... could gif a|icia and |ynnette a |ift... but they dunch wan... tm| got cca abt 12.30.. *yawn*... todae got no nice shows... |et's see... i have |it tuition work cum s.s tuition work... e| compo... |it ws... cme... and other stuff... got to s|eep |iao...
⥠lost for words and i drift.
Thursday, July 10, 2003 @7:09 PM
we||.. the month of ju|y has been ve|i hectic... going here... going there... *sigh*... SYF coming soon... todae had lunchtime performance... but i suppose to haf chem test... i sh|d haf fo||owed |ydia and feng yi... but... i had to go out wif christabe| and vanessa... we||... i sti|| owe christabe| her birthday present... tt tym dunch noe wad to get... suppose to get todae... but we dunch noe which to buy... had to ask sum1 wif taste... but too bad the people were not dere... so anywae.. i got to take the chem test tm| and sacrifice my LUNCH... then got bio... *sigh*... we|| i got peops birthday coming up... 22nd ju|y is Ethel's... 23rd ju|y is Shuk Yan... and sti|| owe yvonne her present... *sigh* dunch noe wad to get for them... i almost went broke becoz sum1 borrowed $10... wanted $20 actua||i...
⥠lost for words and i drift.